Applications for regionally-allocated PLD are reviewed by a panel of education sector representatives who have contextual local knowledge and who represent a cross-section of both English and Māori Medium primary, intermediate and secondary school leaders. Panels can include Iwi, principals, school leaders and members of representative groups such as education associations.

Allocation of regionally-allocated PLD is based on needs identified in each region.

Panels review all applications from the region and give allocation recommendations to the Regional Director of Education, who approves the allocations.


When reviewing applications, panels consider the following:

  • Will this PLD support the needs of the region?
  • Does the proposal clearly align with one or more PLD priority?
  • Is there clear evidence that shows the need for the PLD?
  • Is there clear evidence of engagement in consultation processes?
  • Does the proposal clearly outline how this PLD will build capability of tumuaki, leaders, teachers, or kaiako?
  • To what extent will a change in teacher and school capability contribute to ākonga and student progress?

These considerations relate directly to questions asked in the application.

If you have any questions, please contact your regional office

Ka arotakengia ngā tono mō te PLD ā-rohe e tētahi rōpū māngai nō te ao mātauranga, e āta mārama ana ki tēnei tū āhuatanga o te rohe, ā, he kanohi hoki rātou o ngā kaihautū puta noa i ngā kura arareo Pākehā, arareo Māori hoki, kura tuatahi mai, kura waenga mai, kura tuarua mai. Kei roto pea i ngā rōpū, ngā Iwi, ngā tumuaki, ngā kaihautū o ngā kura, me ngā tāngata o ngā rōpū māngai pērā ki ngā tōpūtanga akoranga. 

Ka tukua te PLD ā-rohe i runga i ngā take kua tautohua mō taua rohe.

Mā ngā rōpū e arotake ngā tono katoa o te rohe, ā, ka tuku i ā rātou tūtohu ki te Kaihautū Mātauranga ā-Rohe, arā,te Regional Director of Education, māna te whakatau.


I a rātou e arotake i ngā tono, ka whakaaroaro ngā rōpū ritenga i ngā mea e whai ake nei:

  • Ka tautoko tēnei PLD i ngā matea o te rohe?
  • Kua hāngai pū te marohi PLD ki tētahi, ki ētahi rānei o ngā whāinga tōmua PLD?
  • Ka kitea he taunakitanga e whakaatu ana i te whaitake o tēnei PLD?
  • Ka kitea he taunakitanga o te whai wāhi ki ngā tukanga whakawhitiwhiti?
  • Ka mārama tā te marohi whakaatu ka pēhea tēnei PLD e whakapakari ai i te āheitanga o ngā tumuaki, ngā kaihautū, ngā kaiako rānei?
  • He pēhea rawa ngā panonitanga ki te āheitanga o ngā kaiako me te kura e whai pānga ai ki te ahu whakamua o ngā ākonga?

Ka hāngai rawa ēnei whakaaroaro ki ngā pātai ka pātaihia i roto i te tono.

Mēnā kei te hiahia koe ki te uru ki te rōpū nei hei mema, whakapā atu ki tō tari ā-rohe.