Provider delegated authorisers

Each provider needs a delegated authoriser who is able to approve user access and complete Evidence of Identity (EOI) requirements for PLD administrators and facilitators in their organisation.

Find out more about EOI requirements on the Education Sector Logon (ESL) website.

To set up a delegated authoriser, contact for a Delegated Authoriser form (ESL 34). PLD providers in a tertiary institution will fill in the Tertiary Delegated Authoriser form (ESL 04).

Please send completed ESL forms to for processing. You will receive an email to notify you that the form has been processed and prompting you to login to the online PLD system. Facilitators must log into the online PLD system at least once to appear as an option for a PLD lead to select and allocate PLD hours too.



You can request user access through your delegated authoriser if your organisation already has one.

Providers can have up to two administrative users who are able to process requests, update information and manage allocations.

To set up administrative users, contact for a PLD provider User Access request form (ESL 33). Tick 'Provider Admin' under the PLD Access Role section in the form.

For PLD administrators in tertiary institutions, you can fill in the Tertiary User Request form (ESL 02) to set up administrative users. Tick 'Provider' under the Access Role section in the form.

Submit two certified identification documents with each form in line with the EOI requirements.The Delegated Authoriser of your organisation will need to sight the documents and sign each form.



Every active facilitator in your organisation will also require ESL access.

To get access, please contact for a PLD provider User Access request form (ESL 33). Tick 'Facilitator' under the PLD Access Role section in the form.

For facilitators in tertiary institutions, fill in the Tertiary User Request form (ESL 02) to set up administrative users. Tick 'Facilitator' under the Access Role section in the form.

Submit two certified identification documents with each form in line with the EOI requirements.The Delegated Authoriser of your organisation will need to sight the documents and sign each form.

If a facilitator already has an ESL, you still need to fill in the User Access request form to get access to the online PLD system but you do not need to complete EOI requirements again.


Sole traders

Sole traders require administration and facilitator access. They do not need to complete a Delegated Authoriser form.

Fill in a PLD Provider User Access request form and tick 'Provider Admin' and 'Facilitator'. You also need to submit two identification documents that have been certified by a Justice of the Peace, doctor, kaumatua, or Minister of Religion to fulfil the EOI requirements.

Please contact for the PLD provider User Access request form (ESL 33).

Ngā kaiwhakamana i mana ai nā ngā kaiwhakarato

E hiahia ana ia kaiwhakarato i te kaiwhakamana kua whai mana e āhei ana te whakaae urunga kaiwhakamahi, te whakatutuki herenga mō te taunakitanga tuakiri, arā, ko te Evidence of Identity (EOI) mō ngā kaiwhakahaere me ngā kaihuawaere o tā rātou kaupapa.

Rapua he kōrero anō mō ngā herenga EOI ki te paetukutuku Education Sector Logon (ESL).

Ki te whakatatū i tētahi kaiwhakamana i tohua, whakapā atu ki mō te puka Delegated Authoriser (ESL 34). Ka whakakī ngā kaiwhakarato PLD o te wānanga, kura matatini rānei, whare wānanga rānei i te puka Tertiary Delegated Authoriser (ESL 04).

Tēnā tukuna ngā puka ESL kua oti ki kia whakahaeretia. Ka tae atu tētahi īmēra ki a koe hei whakamōhio atu ki a koe kua whakahaeretia te puka, ā, ka whakahau atu ki a koe ki te takiuru ki te pūnaha tuihono PLD. Me kotahi, neke atu rānei te takiuru atu a ngā kaihuawaere ki te pūnaha tuihono PLD kia puta hei mea kōwhiri, whakarite haora PLD hoki mā te Kaihautū PLD Matua.


Ngā kaiwhakahaere

Mehemea kei tō kaupapa tētahi kaiwhakamana kua tohua, ka taea te tono urunga kaiwhakamahi māna.

Ka whakaaetia kia rua, iti atu rānei ngā kaiwhakamahi kaiwhakahaere e āhei ana te whakarite tono, te whakahou mōhiohio me te whakahaere ritenga.

Ki te whakatatū kaiwhakamahi whakahaere, whakapā atu ki mō tētahi puka tono urunga kaiwhakamahi, arā, ko te User Access (ESL 33). Tohua 'Whakahaere Kaihuawaere' kei te wāhanga PLD Access Role o te puka.

Ka taea e ngā kaiwhakahaere PDL kei ngā whare mātauranga matua te whakakī i te puka tono kaiwhakamahi mātauranga matua, arā, ko te Tertiary User Request (ESL 02) ki te whakatatū kaiwhakamahi whakahaere. Tohua "Kaiwhakarato" (arā, he 'Provider') kei te wāhanga tūranga urunga (arā, ko te Access Role) o te puka.

Tukua kia rua ngā puka tautuhi kua whai tiwhikete ki te taha o ia puka (ka hāngai ki ngā herenga EOI). Kia tirohia, kia waitohua ia puka e te Kaiwhakamana o tō rōpū kua manahia.


Ngā kaihuawaere

Ka hiahia urunga ESL hoki ia kaihuawaere hohe o tō kaupapa.

Kia uru atu, tēnā, whakapā atu ki mō tētahi puka tono Urunga Kaiwhakamahi Kaiwhakarato PLD (ESL 33). Tohua 'Kaihuawaere' kei te wāhanga PLD Access Role o te puka.

Mō ngā kaiwhakahaere PDL kei ngā whare mātauranga matua, whakakīa te puka tono kaiwhakamahi mātauranga matua, arā, ko te Tertiary User Request (ESL 02) ki te whakatatū kaiwhakamahi whakahaere. Tohua 'Kaihuawaere' kei te wāhanga Access Role o te puka.

Tukua kia rua ngā puka tautuhi kua whai tiwhikete ki te taha o ia puka (ka hāngai ki ngā herenga EOI). Kia tirohia, kia waitohua ia puka e te Kaiwhakamana kua manahia o tō rōpū.

Mehemea kua whiwhi ESL kē tētahi kaihuawaere, me whakakī tonu i te puka tono urunga kaiwhakamahi kia uru atu ki te pūnaha PLD ā-tuihono, engari ehara i te mea me whakaoti anō ngā herenga EOI.


Ngā kaipakihi takitahi

Me whai urunga whakahaere, kaihuawaere hoki ngā kaipakihi takitahi. Ehara i te mea me whakaoti te puka Kaiwhakamana kua mana.

Whakakīia tētahi puka tono Urunga Kaiwhakamahi Kaiwhakarato PLD (arā, ko te Provider User Access), ā, tohua te 'Whakahaere Kaiwhakarato', 'Kaihuawaere' hoki. Me tuku e koe kia rua ngā puka tautuhi hoki kua whai tiwhiketi i tētahi Kaiwhakawā Tūmatanui, tākuta rānei, kaumātua rānei, Minita Hāhi rānei hei whakatutuki i ngā herenga EOI

Tēnā, whakapā atu ki mō te puka tono urunga kaiwhakamahi kaiwhakarato PLD, arā, ko te User Access (ESL 33).