Background to teacher aide PLD Te whakamārama i te PLD mā ngā kaiāwhina

The Fund has now been fully allocated and has closed to applications as of 12 June 2024.

Teacher aides had access to funding to support their professional development and career progression following the settlement of the Support Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement (SSSCA) 2022 – 2024.

The $4 million fund was available to all 27,000 teacher aides, and kaiarahi i te reo in Aotearoa New Zealand. The fund was the result of 2022 collective bargaining and earlier Pay Equity settlement for teacher aides. From this bargaining and settlement, PLD and induction were identified as areas where teacher aides were not able to get equitable access.

The funding recognised the important role Teacher Aides have in supporting education outcomes and provides financial support for professional learning opportunities related to that role.

This fund built on the Teacher Aide PLD Pilot Fund which operated between June 2020 and July 2021. Learn more about the Pilot here.

The Fund opened to applications on 24 April 2023.

The Fund was open until the SSSCA expires on 19 December 2024, or the available funding is fully allocated - whichever happened sooner. PLD accessed via this fund needs to commence on or after 24 April 2023 (the launch of the Fund) and be completed by the expiry of the Collective in December 2024.


Hei kaiāwhina kaiako, kei te whai wāhi koe ki te tahua hei tautoko i tō whakawhanaketanga ngaio me tō ara whakapiki ngaio nā runga i te whakataunga o te Whakaaetanga Rangapū mō ngā Kaimahi Kura (SSSCA) 2022 – 2024.

E wātea ana te tahua $4 miriona ki te 27,000 katoa o ngā kaiāwhina kaiako, me ngā kaiārahi i te reo i Aotearoa. I hua mai te tahua i te tautohe rangapū 2022 me te whakataunga Utu Ōrite mō ngā kaiāwhina kaiako. Nā tēnei tautohe me te whakataunga i tautohu ko ngā wāhi kāore i ōrite te whai wāhitanga atu a ngā kaiāwhina kaiako, arā, ko te PLD me te arataki.

He mea āhukahuka tēnei tahua i te wāhi nui ki te Kaiāwhina Kaiako ki te tautoko i ngā putanga mātauranga, he mea whakarato hoki i te pūtea tautoko mō ngā huarahi ako ngaio e pā ana ki taua tūranga.

Kei te whai tēnei tahua i te tauira o Te Whakamātautau Tahua Ako me te Whakawhanake Ngaio mā te Kaiāwhina Kaiako i tū i waenga i te marama o Pipiri 2020 me te marama o Hōngongoi 2021. Me ako anō mō te Whakamātautau i konei.

Ka tuwhera te Tahua tae noa ki te mutunga o te SSSCA ā te 19 Huitanguru 2024, kia tohaina katoatia rānei te katoa o te tahua e wātea ana - kei te āhua o te mea ka puta tuatahi mai. Me whakaoti te PLD kua whai utu i tēnei tahua i mua i te whakapaunga o te Rangapū ā te marama o Huitanguru 2024.

Ka tuwhera te Tahua ki ngā tono ā te 24 Paengawhāwhā 2023. 


Kaupapa of the Fund Te Kaupapa o te Tahua

  • PLD offerings adhere to the principles of Te Tiriti of Waitangi and are reflective of the cultural needs of communities. PLD offerings demonstrate culturally responsive practices applicable to the peoples of Aotearoa.
  • The PLD upholds and increases the mana of Teacher Aides through enabling their access to professional development crucial to their career and the schools and kura in which they work.
  • The Fund must be accessible to all teacher aides and kaiāwhina working in a range of settings – including, but not limited to, primary, intermediate, secondary, area schools, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori, a range of socio-economic settings and urban and rural/isolated areas. Courses can be delivered kanohi ki te kanohi and/or online.
  • Teacher Aides should identify the PLD they wish to engage in and have this endorsed by their people leader, taking into consideration the needs of the school and tamariki.
  • Teacher Aides should demonstrate a willingness to foster and contribute to, a greater understanding of Aotearoa’s cultural identities and education sector issues and changes. Where possible Teacher Aides should take the opportunity to share their learning with colleagues.
  • Teacher Aides wishing to access the Fund should be fully supported by their schools and kura to do so; for example, assistance with obtaining an ESL login, suitable equipment on which to do their work, and the time to do it.
  • The range of PLD available for Teacher Aides will continue be identified, extended, tailored, created and sourced where necessary.
  • PLD for Teacher Aides shares the same standards that are applied to PLD for teachers. That is, PLD should be responsive to need, where possible include opportunities for further coaching or mentoring and be delivered regularly.
  • He mea hāngai pū ki ngā mātāpono o Te Tiriti o Waitangi ngā hua PLD, ka mutu, he mea whakaata i ngā hiahia ahurea o ngā hapori. Ka whakatauirahia e ngā akoranga PLD ko ngā tikanga urupare ā-ahurea e aronui ana ki ngā iwi o Aotearoa.
  • Ko tā te PLD he hāpai, he whakapiki hoki i te mana o te Kaiāwhina Kaiako mā te whakamana i tā rātou whai wāhitanga ki te whakawhanaketanga ngaio, he mea nui whakaharahara ki tō rātou ara mahi pūmau, me ngā kura kei reira rātou e mahi ana.
  • Me wātea te Tahua ki ngā kaiāwhina kaiako me ngā kaiāwhina katoa e mahi ana i ngā momo whakaritenga – tae atu ki, engari kaua ko ēnei noa iho, ngā kura tuatahi, ngā kura waenga, kura tuarua, kura ā-rohe, Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori, he momo whānui o ngā whakaritenga oha-pori, me ngā wāhi tāone, tuawhenua/tūhāhā hoki. E taea ai ngā akoranga te whakahaere kanohi ki te kanohi, i runga ipurangi hoki/rānei.
  • Me tautohu ngā Kaiāwhina Kaiako te PLD kei te hiahia whai rātou, kia whakamanahia e tōna pou whakahaere tāngata, i runga anō hoki i te whaiwhakaaro ki te kura me ngā tamariki.
  • Me whakaatu e ngā Kaiāwhina Kaiako te hiahia ki te whakatītina me te whakapau kaha ki te whakapiki i te māramatanga ki ngā tuakiri ahurea o Aotearoa, otirā, ki ngā take me ngā panonitanga hoki i te rāngai mātauranga. I ngā wā, i ngā wāhi hoki e taea ai me whai wāhi ngā Kaiāwhina Kaiako ki te tuari i ō rātou akoranga ki ngā hoamahi.
  • Me whai tautoko ngā kaiāwhina kaiako katoa e hiahia ana ki te whai wāhi ki te pūtea i ō rātou kura; hei tauira; he āwhina ki te whiwhi i te takiuru ESL, he taputapu tōtika, me te wā wātea hoki, ki te mahi i te mahi.
  • Ka haere tonu ngā mahi ki te tautohu, ki te whakawhānui, ki te tārai, ki te waihanga, ki te rapu hoki i ngā momo PLD kia wātea mai ki ngā Kaiāwhina Kaiako.
  • E rua, e rua ngā paerewa kei runga i te PLD mā ngā Kaiāwhina Kaiako ki ērā kei runga i te PLD mā ngā kaiako. Arā, me tere te urupare a te PLD ki ngā hiahia, i ngā wāhi e taea ai me whakarite ara mō ngā akoranga me te tohutohu auau i tua atu.

Criteria Ngā paearu

  • The applicant is a Teacher Aide or equivalent working in a New Zealand state or state-integrated school.
  • PLD applied for is only for the purposes of building capability and competency in relation to the applicant’s role as a Teacher Aide, and not for any other role.
  • The PLD should support the development of the Teacher Aide’s skills and knowledge in a way that contributes to the vision of the school or kura.
  • The PLD requested must support the learning needs of the ākonga with whom the Teacher Aide works or align with one or more of the Teacher Aide Competency areas.
  • The PLD requested must be upcoming, and not PLD that has already been completed; funding must be requested and granted ahead of enrolment and participation in the PLD.
  • The Teacher Aide has discussed and agreed the timetable or time required out of school with their supervisor.
  • The Board of Trustees/principal, people manager has been informed of and agreed to the PLD the Teacher Aide intends to participate in.
  • He Kaiāwhina Kaiako te kaitono, he tangata ōrite rānei e mahi ana i te kura kāwanatanga, i te kura kōmitimiti-kāwanatanga rānei o Aotearoa.
  • Ka hoatu te PLD mō te take anake i tonoa ai, arā, mō te whakapikinga o ngā pūmanawa me ngā pūkenga mō te taha ki te tūranga o te kaitono hei Kaiāwhina Kaiako, kaua mō tētahi atu tūranga.
  • Me tautoko te PLD i te whakawhanaketanga o ngā pūkenga me te mātauranga o ngā Kaiāwhina Kaiako i runga i te āhua tautoko i te wawata, te matakitenga o te kura.
  • Me tautoko te tono PLD i ngā hiahia ako o ngā ākonga kei reira te Kaiāwhina Kaiako e mahi ana, me hāngai rānei ki tētahi, neke atu o ngā wāhi Mātauranga a te Kaiāwhina Kaiako.
  • Kua kōrero te Kaiāwhina Kaiako rāua ko tōna kaiwhakahaere mō te wātaka, mō te nui o te wā rānei e hiahiatia ana kia wātea i te kura, ka mutu, kua whakaaetia katoatia.
  • Kua whakamōhiotia te Poari, te tumuaki, me te pou whakahaere tāngata mō te PLD kua hiahia whai te Kaiāwhina Kaiako, ka mutu, kua whakaaetia e te katoa.

What did the funding cover? He aha ngā momo mea ka utua e te tahua?

Teacher aides could apply for funding to:

  • Cover the fees/ costs for the PLD
  • Reimbursement to their school for the time required for them to participate in the PLD during work hours so they could be paid at their normal rate
  • Contribute to travel and accommodation required for them to participate in the PLD.

If they attended the online course/module outside of classroom hours, they could be paid at their normal rate for the required time.



Individual Teacher Aides could apply for up to $1,000 of funding to access PLD over the term of the Collective Agreement (to 19 December 2024, or until funds are exhausted – whichever is sooner).

There is an additional allowance of up to $500 for travel and accommodation if you meet the following criteria:

  • you are located more than 100km from a population centre of more than 20,000 people, or
  • you have to travel to a specialist course that is only delivered in limited locations of 100km or more away, or
  • you have to travel between islands. 

Costs over and above this must be met by other means.


Kaiārahi i te reo

A separate pilot PLD fund for Kaiārahi i te Reo was launched on 25 March 2024 - find out more about this here.

E taea e koe te tono ki tēnei tahua ki:

  • Te whakaea ngā utu/whakapaunga mō te PLD
  • Te whakahoki whakapaunga ki tō kura mō te nui o te wā i pau i a koe ki te PLD i te wā kura kia pai ai te utu i a koe ki tō utu e tika ana
  • Te takoha ki te hāereere me te whare noho mōu kia pai ai tō whai wāhi atu ki te PLD.

Kia tae atu koe ki te akoranga/kōwae i waho atu i ngā hāora akomanga, ka utua koe ki tō utu o ia rā mō te nui o te wā ka hiahiatia.


Te Whiwhinga

E taea ai e ngā Kaiāwhina Kaiako te tono atu ki te $1,000 o te tahua hei whai wāhi atu ki te PLD i roto i te wā o te Whakaaetanga Rangapū (te 19 Huitanguru 2024, kia pau rā anō rānei te tahua – te āhuatanga tuatahi kia puta).

E taea ai atu ki te $500 anō mō te hāereere me te whare noho mehemea ka tutuki koe i ngā paearu e whai ake nei:

  • kei tua atu koe i te 100km i te tāone o te 20,000 neke atu,
  • me haere rānei koe ki tētahi akoranga mātanga ka whakahaerehia anake ki ētahi wāhi ruarua noa iho 100km neke atu te tawhiti i a koe,
  • me whakawhiti rānei koe i waenga i ngā motu. Me whai huarahi anō hei utu i ngā utu nui ake i tēnei.

Me whai huarahi anō hei utu i ngā utu nui ake i tēnei.


 Kaiārahi i te reo

Kei te mahi tahi Te Tāhuhu me Te Riu Roa i runga i ngā taipitopito mō te PLD mō ngā Kaiārahi i te reo, ka tohaina tōtikahia ēnei ki ngā Kaiārahi i te reo me ngā kura e utu ana i a rātou.

What PLD can be accessed? He aha te PLD e wātea ana?

The Ministry and NZEI Te Riu Roa are working to ensure that the range of PLD accessed through this Fund supports the skills and competencies reflected in the Teacher Aide Work Matrix. [PDF, 400 KB]

From the time the fund opens, you will be able to apply under the following categories of PLD – there will be an application type for each category:


Set Category

These are a range of PLD offerings identified and approved by the Ministry and NZEI Te Riu Roa.

View the Set Category PLD list here.

  • This category includes courses from polytechnics, universities, private tertiary providers, non-profit organisations, and free local initiatives arranged by clusters of schools or local Ministry offices.
  • Many of these offerings were available as part of the original Teacher Aide PLD Pilot Fund in 2020 -2021. Some have been developed more recently. 

The Ministry and NZEI Te Riu Roa have also identified some relevant Teacher Aide skills/competencies not met by existing PLD offerings and intend to source additional PLD opportunities. These include courses which have a te ao Māori lens, communication, behaviour management, and subject specialist areas, particularly at secondary level.

Open Category

The Ministry and NZEI Te Riu Roa are aware that there are likely to be relevant PLD offerings which have not yet been identified in the Set Category but fit with the Kaupapa of the Fund and are relevant to specialist Teacher Aide needs.

For this category, you can identify the name and learning outcomes of an existing course / opportunity you wish to engage in, where it is available, the cost and how it will support the role you perform.


PLD based on self-directed inquiry

Limited funding is also available for PLD based on self-directed inquiry into a topic of relevance to your work, which fits with the Kaupapa of the Fund, as discussed and agreed with your supervisor.

  • This will provide you with paid time – up to a maximum of 10 hours - to immerse yourself in material available online, from reputable sources – such as TKI or other New Zealand sources. The recent report by the Education Review Office Working Together: How Teacher Aides Can Have the Most Impact, together with its associated online resources, is another such source.

  • It is recommended that you document the discussion with your supervisor regarding self-directed inquiry. This will help you capture the information you need for the funding application and to ensure you have your own record of this PLD. Click here for more information and a copy of the template.


E mahi tahi ana Te Tāhuhu me Te Riu Roa ki te mātua whakarite ko ngā momo PLD e taea ai e te Tahua e tautoko i ngā pūkenga, me ngā mātauranga kua whakaataria i te Papatau Mahi Kaiāwhina Kaiako. [PDF, 400 KB]

Nō te tuwheratanga mai o te tahua, e taea ai te tono i raro i ngā momo kāwai o te PLD e whai ake nei – kua whakaritea tētahi momo tono mō ia kāwai:


Kāwai Tū

Ko ngā momo PLD ēnei kua tautohua, kua whakaaetia hoki e Te Tāhuhu me Te Riu Roa.

Tirohia te rārangi PLD Kāwai Tū i konei.

  • Kei tēnei rārangi ko ngā akoranga mai i ngā kuratini, ngā whare wānanga, ngā kaiwhakarato mātauranga matua tūmataiti, ngā whakahaere hua hoko kore, me ngā kaupapa koreutu kua whakaritea e ngā kohinga kura, e ngā tari ā-rohe rānei o Te Tāhuhu.
  • E hia ēnei momo akoranga e wātea ana hei wāhanga o te Whakamātautau Tahua PLD Kaiako tuatahi i tū i te tau 2020-2021. Nō nā noa ētahi atu i puta mai ai.

Kua tautohua hoki e Te Tāhuhu me Te Riu Roa ētahi pūkenga/mātauranga kāore anō kia tutuki e ngā akoranga PLD o nāianei, nō reira, ka rapuhia anōtia ētahi atu ara PLD. Tae atu tēnei ki ngā akoranga whai tirohanga ao Māori, whakawhitiwhitinga kōrero, whakahaere whanonga, me ngā wāhi marau mātanga, ina koa ki te taumata kura tuarua.


Kāwai Whera

E mārama ana Te Tāhuhu me Te Riu Roa kāore e kore arā ngā momo akoranga PLD whaitake kāore anō kia tautohua i te Kāwai Tū engari e hāngai ana ki te Kaupapa o te Tahua, ka mutu, he hāngai hoki ki ngā hiahia a ngā mātanga Kaiāwhina Kaiako.

Mō tēnei kāwai, e taea ai te tautohu te ingoa me ngā putanga ako o tētahi akoranga / ara o nāianei kei te hiahia whai koe, kei hea e tū ana, te utu, me pēhea hoki te akoranga e tautoko i tō tūranga me tō mahi.


 PLD ahu mai i te uiui whakahaere ā-kiri – ka whakaterea ā te 5 Haratua 2023.

Kei te wātea hoki he tahua tāpui mō te PLD e ahu mai ana i te uiui whakahaere ā-kiri i roto i te kaupapa e whaitake ana ki tō mahi, e hāngai ana ki te Kaupapa o te Tahua, i muri i te matapaki ki tō kaiwhakahaere me tōna whakaae mai.

  • Mā konei e whiwhi utu mahi koe – atu ki te 10 hāora – kia rumakina koe e koe anō i ngā kōrero e wātea mai ana ki runga ipurangi i ngā puna tōtika – pērā i a TKI, me ētahi atu puna o Aotearoa. Ko tētahi atu tino puna ko te pūrongo o nā noa nei nā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga Working Together: How Teacher Aides Can Have the Most Impact, me ōna rauemi whai pānga kei runga ipurangi.
  • Ko te tūtohu ki a koe me āta tuhituhi/whakapūkete i ngā kōrero ki waenga i a kōrua ko tō kaiwhakahaere e pā ana ki te uiui whakahaere ā-kiri. He āwhina tēnei māu hei hopu i ngā kōrero e tika ana mō te tono tahua kia mātua whakarite he pūkete hoki tāu ake o tēnei PLD.

Pāwhiri i konei mō ētahi atu mōhiohio mō te PLD ahu mai i te uiui whakahaere ā-kiri.

The application process Te tukanga tono


Before applying, discuss the PLD you are interested in with your supervisor to ensure it meets the criteria. You will need to seek approval from your principal, tumuaki or supervisor- whatever is appropriate in your setting.

I mua i te tono, me matapaki kōrua ko tō kaiwhakahaere mō te PLD e hiahia ana koe te whai kia mātua whakarite e tutuki ai ngā paearu. Me kimi whakaae mai i tō tumuaki, kaiwhakahaere rānei, te mea hoki e tika ana mō tō whakaritenga.


You will need to set up an Education Sector Logon (ESL) and fill in the online application form. You will need:

a. The email address of the person approving the PLD.

b. Your Ministry employee number and your school number (which you can find on your pay slip)

Me whakarite tētahi Takiuru Rangai Mātauranga (ESL) ka whakakī i te puka tono ki runga ipurangi. Me whai e koe:

a. Te tauwāhi īmēra o te tangata e whakamana ana i tō PLD.

b. Tō tau kaimahi o Te Tāhuhu, me tō tau kura (e kitea i runga i tō puka utu)


Apply for the funding for your PLD through the online form. You will have the option to choose from the following application type:

· Set Category

· Open Category

· Self-directed Inquiry

Tono mai mō te tahua PLD mā te puka ipurangi. Ka whai kōwhiringa koe hei tīpako i te momo tono e whai ake nei:

. Kāwai Tū

. Kāwai Whera

, Kāwai Uiui Whakahaere ā-Kiri


The Ministry of Education receives and processes your application.

Ka whiwhi Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga i tō tono ka whai tō tono i te tukanga.


When your application is approved, you and your approver will receive notification of approval. Approvers will be asked to contact the Ministry if they do not endorse the original application.


Your approval notification will include your application reference number.


If there are any details which are incorrect in your application, please notify the Ministry as soon as possible so that they can be corrected.

Kia whakamanatia ai tō tono, ka whiwhi pānui whakamōhio kōrua ko tō kaiwhakamana. Ka tonoa ngā kaiwhakamana ki te whakapā atu ki Te Tāhuhu mehemea kāore rātou i whakamana i te tono taketake.


Ka tāpirihia atu tō tau tohutoro tono ki tō pānui whakamōhio.


Mehemea kei te hē ngā taipitopito i tō tono, tēnā, kia tere te whakamōhio mai ki Te Tāhuhu kia pai ai te whakatikatika.


Once the Ministry has approved your application, you can contact the PLD provider to enrol in the PLD. You will need to supply them with:

  • your application reference number as confirmation of your funding and
  • a copy of your application approval confirmation email

Kia oti rā anō i Te Tāhuhu te whakamana tō tono, e taea te whakapā atu ki te kaiwhakarato PLD ki te whakauru atu ki te PLD. Me hoatu ki a rātou ko:

  • tō tau tohutoro tono hei whakamanatanga o tō whiwhinga tahua, me
  • tētahi kape o tō īmēra whakamana tono

Once your PLD has been completed, your school or kura will be reimbursed for your attendance time (wage costs) and any travel and accommodation costs they have incurred for you as recorded in your application. .


Kia mutu rā anō tō PLD, ka whakahokia ngā whakapaunga ki tō kura mō tō taetae mai (utu ā-hāora) me ngā utu hāereere, noho whare hoki i utua māu e rātou e ai ki tō tono.

For any enquiries regarding teacher aide PLD funding or your application, please get in touch with us at

Mō ngā uiui e pā ana ki te tahua PLD kaiāwhina kaiako, tō tono rānei, me whakapā mai ki a mātou i

Payment information for schools and kura Mōhiohio utu mō ngā kura

Funding payments will be made on the following basis after commencement of the PLD:


Set Category Funding Applications

  • PLD fee - paid directly to the provider by the Ministry on invoice once the PLD has been completed. The provider will need the Application Reference Number and a copy of the approval confirmation email from the teacher aide on enrolment in order to be paid.

  • Wage and Travel cost(s) - the Ministry will make payment directly to the school after the PLD has commenced, and the school will need to re-imburse the teacher aide where applicable.

 Open Category Funding Applications

For Open Category applications, payment to the provider will need to be made on enrolment; the teacher aide or school will need to arrange this payment.

  • PLD fee, Wage and Travel cost(s) - the Ministry will make payment directly to the school after the PLD has commenced, and the school will need to reimburse the teacher aide where applicable. 

The payments will only cover the costs in the application, so it’s important the costs are recorded accurately when applications are submitted.



Ka whakahaeretia e Te Tāhuhu ngā utunga mō ngā utu akoranga PLD tōtika ki te kaiwhakarato.

Ka utua ki ngā kura ētahi atu utu kua tuhia ki te tono tahua – ngā utu ā-hāora, te hāereere me te noho whare rānei – tōtika ki ngā kura kia oti rā anō te PLD i a koe, kia oti hoki i te kaiwhakarato te tuku whakamōhiotanga mai ki Te Tāhuhu.

Ka tukua ngā utu ki ngā kura i ia wā, i ia wā mā te Pourato. Ka utua noa iho ko ngā utu kei roto i te tono, nō reira, he mea nui kia tika te tuhituhi o ngā utu i te tukunga o tō tono.

Set up your Education Sector Logon (ESL) Whakarite i tō Takiuru Rāngai Mātauranga (ESL)

Follow these steps to access the online PLD system with your ESL

1. The delegated authoriser of your school or kura must either update your existing account or invite you to create a new ESL account. You will need to be assigned the PLD Teacher Aide permissions in ESL. Your delegated authoriser needs to go to Support for school Delegated Authorisers to update or create a new ESL account. Your delegated authoriser is most commonly your school principal or tumuaki, or the person with the highest level of permissions in the ESL system for your school, kura or organisation. If you already have an ESL associated with your school, log in and click 'My Delegated Authorisers' on the left-hand side to see who your delegated authoriser is. Your Delegated Authoriser will need to assign your role in the ESL system.

2. Once your account is updated or created, go to Setting up your user account and choose either ‘New ESL user – create a new account’ or ‘Existing ESL user – use my existing ESL account’.

3. You will now be able to login to the online system using the link for teacher aides, create your proposal, and complete the application form. If you need help, contact the Ministry's Education Service Desk team by phone: 0800 422 599 or email:

Me whai ēnei kaupae kia whakauru ki te pūnaha PLD ki runga ipurangi mā tō ESL

  1. Me whakahou tō pūkete ō nāianei, me tuku pōhiri ki a koe ki te waihanga pūkete ESL hou rānei te mana whakaae o tō kura. Me whakawhiwhi koe ki ngā whakaaetanga PLD Kaiāwhina Kaiako i te ESL. Me haere tō mana whakaae ki te Tautoko mō ngā Mana Whakaae o ngā kura ki te whakahou, ki te waihanga pūkete ESL hou rānei. I te nuinga o te wā ko te mana whakaae o tō kura ko tō tumuaki, ko te tangata rānei kei te taumata teitei ōna whakaaetanga i te pūnaha ESL o tō kura, tō whakahaere rānei. Mehemea he ESL kē tāu whai pānga ki tō kura, me takiuru atu ka pāwhiri ki “My Delegated Authorisers' kei te taha mauī ki te kite ko wai tō mana whakaae. Mā tō Mana Whakaae e hoatu tō tūranga i te pūnaha ESL.

  2. Kia oti tō pūkete te whakahou, waihanga rānei, haere ki ‘Setting up ,your user account ka kōwhiri i te ‘‘New ESL user – create a new account’ te ‘Existing ESL user – use my existing ESL account’ rānei.

  3. E taea ai te takiuru ki te pūnaha ki runga ipurangi ināianei mā te whai i te hononga mā ngā kaiāwhina kaiako, te waihanga i tō kaupapa, me te whakaoti i te puka tono. Ki te hiahia āwhina, me whakapā mai ki te Pae Ratonga Mātauranga o Te Tāhuhu mā te waea mai ki: 0800 422 599, te īmēra mai rānei ki:
NZC Scenario 22 Music Activity 10 Holly Jai John min v2