Statements of Work

Once a travel request is submitted and processed by the National Office, a Statement of Work (SOW) will be automatically generated.

SOWs can be identified by their proposal document number ('PD –00XXX'). The SOW PDF file is attached to the proposal document in the Online PLD system.

You no longer need to print and sign PLD SOWs for PLD allocations. Instead, you need to review and accept the SOW as approved in the Online PLD system. If it is not correct or something is missing, please email the PLD provider mailbox with details. 

Please note that you should only access a SoW, once the "Status" field has been updated to "Provider Notified" - the system sends an automated message when this is available. Please do not review a SoW with a status of "Pre-Approved" as it is still being verified by the national PLD team and not available for review.


Purchase orders

Once a SOW has been accepted by the PLD provider, a purchase order (PO) will generated and sent directly from the Ministry’s Finance system, approximately 5 - 10 working days later.

PO numbers are not available in the Online PLD system, they are sent by email from the Ministry's Finance system to your nominated accounts contact person.


The PO will outline what services have been purchased, the travel cap (if applicable) and when you can invoice the Ministry for the milestones.

All POs have a unique numerical code that start with WK700XXXXX. This PO number must be included on all invoices sent to the Ministry to allow for prompt payment processing.


Invoicing the Ministry

Invoices must be sent directly to , with copied in. You must only include one invoice attachment per email. If the invoices are not sent in this way, this will cause ongoing delays.


Invoices must include the following information:

  • PO number (WK700XXXXX) and PD number (PD-000XXX)
  • Description of payment - eg, Commencement or Milestone Report 1 

When invoicing for travel costs, please also provide:

  • total value of travel expenses claimed for each facilitator
  • total value of travel hours claimed for each facilitator

The invoice should also include the following statement:

“It is confirmed that all travel expenditure contained in this invoice has met the minimum delivery conditions as outlined in the Centrally Funded PLD Travel Policy."


Travel invoices without this information or with claims for the full travel cap will be queried by the National Office PLD team and sent back before they can be processed for payment.

Tauākī Mahi

Ina tukua he tono haerenga, ā, kua tukatukatia e te Tari ā-Motu, ka whakaputaina aunoatia tētahi Tauākī Mahi, (arā, he 'Statement of Work', he 'SOW').

Ka taea te tautohu i te SOW mā te nama puka marohi o runga (PD - 000XXXX'). Ka tāpirihia te kōnae pdf SOW ki te puka marohi i roto i te pūnaha PLD ā-tuihono, kei reira hoki te waehere SOW ('SOW – XXXXXX').

Kua kore koe e mate ki te tā me te waitohu i ngā SOW PLD mō ngā whakaritenga PLD. Kia tohua kē e koe te SOW kua whakaaetia i roto i te pūnaha PLD ā-tuihono, mēnā kua tika.


Ngā Tono Hoko

Ina tukua, whakaaetia hoki te SOW e te kaiwhakarato, ka tukua ki a koe tētahi tono hoko, (arā, he 'Purchase Order, he 'PO') nā te tīma Accounts Payable o Te Tāhuhu.

Ka whakamārama te PO i ngā ratonga kua hokona, te tepe haerenga (ki te hāngai), me te wā ka taea e koe te tuku nama ki Te Tāhuhu mō ngā tohu kauneke.

Kei ngā PO katoa he waehere tau ahurei. Me whakauru i tēnei tau PO ki ngā puka nama katoa ka tukua ki Te Tāhuhu kia kama ai te utu.


Te tuku nama ki Te Tāhuhu

Me tuku tōtika ngā puka nama ki , ā, me tuku kape ki Ki te kore e tukua pēneitia ngā puka nama, ka takaroa pea te utu.

Ina ka tuku puka nama mō te utu kauneke, tēnā, tukua mai ēnei mōhiohio:

  • Te nama PO me te nama puka marohi o runga (PD-000XXX)
  • mō tēhea kauneke te puka nama
  • he rārangi motuhake mō te wā kaihuawaere me te haerenga.

Ina whakarite i te puka nama mō te nama haerenga, tēnā whakaratoa:

  • te nama puka marohi o runga (PD-000XXX)
  • te tapeke o ngā nama haerenga mō ia kaihuawaere
  • te tapeke o ngā haora haerenga mō ia kaihuawaere
  • te maha o ngā haerenga ki te kura, Kāhui Ako rānei mō ia kaihuawaere.

Me uru ki te puka nama te tauākī e whai ake nei hoki:

"E whakapūmautia ana kua tutuki ngā herenga whakarato mōkito i te whakapaunga ā-haerenga kei roto i tēnei puka nama, e ai ki te Kaupapa Here Haerenga PLD kua Whiwhi Tahua mai i te Kāwanatanga, (arā, ko te 'Centrally Funded PLD Travel Policy')".

Ka pātaihia e te tīma PLD o te Tari ā-Motu ngā puka nama haerenga kāore tēnei mōhiohio o roto, kei roto rānei te nama mōrahi mō te haerenga, ā, ka whakahokia i mua i te whakarite utu.

Making best use of the travel policy to support Regionally-Allocated PLD Making best use of the travel policy to support Regionally-Allocated PLD

Making best use of the travel policy to support Regionally-Allocated PLD

Making best use of the travel policy to support Regionally-Allocated PLD Making best use of the travel policy to support Regionally-Allocated PLD

Regionally-Allocated PLD Travel Policy Regionally-Allocated PLD Travel Policy

Regionally-Allocated PLD Travel Policy

Regionally-Allocated PLD Travel Policy Regionally-Allocated PLD Travel Policy

Submitting travel requests

Travel requests for regionally-allocated PLD are made in the online PLD system.

If you are requesting Tier 7 travel, you will also need to submit a Tier 7 budget using the budget template. The template is available by emailing

Once the Tier 7 budget is complete, send it back and a member of the National Office PLD team will contact you.

If a travel request is declined, the National Office PLD team will contact you.

Te tuku tono haerenga

Ka tuku tono haerenga mō te PLD ā-rohe mā te pūnaha PLD ā-tuihono.

Mehemea e tono ana koe i te haerenga Taumata 7, me tuku he tahua pūtea Taumata 7 hoki e whakamahi ana i te tauira tahua pūtea. Ka wātea te tauira mā te īmēra ki

Ina  oti te tahua pūtea Taumata 7, whakahokia, ā, ka whakapā atu ki a koe tētahi mema o te tīma PLD Tari ā-Motu.

Ki te whakapekangia te tono haerenga, ka whakapā atu ki a koe te tīma PLD o te Tari ā-Motu.