If you have questions about the BSLA professional support, contact foundational.learning@education.govt.nz or contact the UC BSLA team at askbsla@canterbury.ac.nz.

Information on the support He pārongo mō ngā mahi tautoko

The Better Start Literacy Approach (BSLA) professional support is designed and delivered by the University of Canterbury |Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha informed by international research and evidence.

BSLA is an integrated approach to developing vocabulary, oral, listening, spelling, writing and reading skills in the first year of learning, utilising  teaching the Ready to Read Phonics Plus texts. It uses a structured approach to systematically supporting children’s phonological and phonic awareness, letter-sound knowledge and oral language.

BSLA and Ready to Read Phonics Plus texts professional support is designed to complement existing approaches to teaching early literacy and build on current school and teaching practices. It uses the expertise of literacy specialists to support teachers. 

Ready to Read Phonics Plus texts and BSLA will support teachers to notice and respond to each learner’s literacy needs from the day they start school and includes resources for whānau to understand and support their children’s literacy learning.

The BSLA microcredential has been extended to include a module for teaching ākonga in Year 3. This builds on the teaching for New Entrant, Year 1 and year 2 ākonga.

For more information about BSLA, visit the University of Canterbury’s website.

Ka tukua te tautoko ngaiotanga mō Better Start Literacy Approach (BSLA) e te Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury.

He ara te kaupapa o BSLA mō te whanake puna kupu, kōrero, whakarongo, tatau kupu, ngā pūkenga tuhituhi, pānui hoki mō te tau tuatahi e ako ana mā te whakamahi i ngā kōrero o te Ready to Read Phonics Plus. E hāngai ana ki te hononga i waenga i te reo kōrero me te reo tuhi, hei tautoko i ngā aronga a ngā tamariki ki te ororeo, te whakahua o te pūreta me te reo ā-waha.

Ko ngā tuhinga tautoko ngaio o BSLA me te Ready to Read Phonics Plus i hangaia kia whakamahia i te taha o ngā rauemi whakaako reo matatini, me te whai wāhi atu ki ngā tikanga whakaako i roto i ngā kura. He whakamahi tēnei kaupapa i ngā pūkenga a ngā mātanga reo matatini ā-Kura ki te tautoko i ngā kaiako.    

Mā ngā rauemi Ready to Read Phonics Plus me te BSLA e tautoko ngā kaiako kia aro atu ki ngā hiahia a tēnā ākonga, a tēnā ākonga, mai i tā rātou tīmatanga i te kura, ā, he rauemi hoki mō ngā whānau e mārama ai rātou, e tautoko ai rātou i ngā akoranga reo matatini a ngā tamariki.

He mea whakawhanake te BSLA e Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury i roto i ngā kura o Aotearoa, ā, e whai mōhio mai ana i te rāngahau ā-ao.

Ka tuwhera te rauna tono o muri ā te 30 o Poutū-te-rangi 2022, ā, ka kati ā te 12 o Haratua 2022.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki te BSLA, haere ki te paetukutuku a Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha.

Mēnā he pātai āu e pā ana ki te tautoko nngaiotanga BSLA, whakapā atu ki foundational.learning@education.govt.nz

What support the Ministry will provide for schools Ngā mahi tautoko

The Ministry funds BSLA professional support, which includes how to use the Ready to Read Phonics Plus texts, for school literacy specialists and teachers. The focus is New Entrant and Year 1-3 teachers.

Literacy specialists include: 

  • In-school literacy leaders
  • Resource Teachers: Literacy

The following with a strong literacy background:

  • Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour
  • Kāhui Ako Leads
  • Learning Support Co-ordinators
  • Speech Language Therapists 

The Ministry support covers:

  • The University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha online learning fee for each teacher and across-school literacy specialist.
  • Information kits and access to all online resources for each teacher and across-school literacy specialist.
  • Two release days per class teacher. This does not apply to the literacy specialists. 
  • Workshop travel and accommodation for literacy specialists.

Schools, Kāhui Ako and clusters are invited to apply for Ministry funded places in the BSLA programme. Literacy specialists and teachers who complete the programme will receive a University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha accredited micro-credential.

For more information on the micro-credential, visit the University of Canterbury’s Ministry of Education-funded Better Start Literacy Approach Microcredential FAQs. [PDF, 207 KB]

Kō tā te Tāhuhu he tuku pūtea tautoko ngaiotanga BSLA mō ngā mātanga reo matatini ā-Kura me ngā kaiako, ā, ka whāiti mai ko te whakamahia o ngā tuhinga Ready to Read Phonics Plus. Mātua, ko te arotahi ki ngā kaiako o ngā tamariki hou, Tau 1 hoki.

Ko ngā mātanga reo matatini ā-Kura ko ngā:

  • Kaiako Rauemi: Reo Matatini Literacy
  • Kaiako Rauemi: Reo Matatini Māori
  • Kaiako Rauemi: Te Ako me te Whanonga
  • Ngā Kaiārahi Kāhui Ako ā-Kura
  • Ngā Kairuruku Hāpai i te Ako
  • Ngā Mātanga Reo ā-Waha e ahu mai ana i te ako i te reo matatini.
Ko tā te Tāhuhu tautoko:
  • I ngā utu ā-ipurangi a Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha mō ia kaiako, mō ia mātanga reo matatini ā-Kura hoki.
  • Ngā kete pārongo me te urunga ki ngā rauemi ipurangi katoa mō ia kaiako, mō ia mātanga reo matatini ā-Kura hoki.
  • Ngā rangi e rua ka tukuna ai ngā kaiako. Kāore tēnei e pā ki ngā mātanga reo matatini.
  • Te haerenga me te nohoanga o ngā mātanga reo matatini hoki.

Ko te tūmanako ka whai wāhi mai ngā Kura, ngā Kāhui Ako me ngā Kāhui ā-Kura ki ngā tūranga a te Tāhuhu e pā ana ki te hōtaka BSLA.  Ā, ko te hunga ka oti i a rātou te hōtaka nei ka whakawhiwhia ki te tohu tutukitanga whiwhinga whāiti mai i Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki te tohu tutukitanga whiwhinga whāiti nei, haere ki te whārangi paetukutuku a Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha. [PDF, 207 KB]

Ka tuwhera ngā tono ā te 30 o Poutū-te-rangi 2022, ā, ka kati ā te 12 o Haratua 2022. Ka tīmata ngā akoranga ngaiotanga ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury ā te Hōngongoi 2022.

Key dates Ngā rā mō te aropā tuatahi

6 May 2024

Applications open for Ministry support

30 May 2024

Applications for Ministry support close

14 June 2024

Schools informed of outcome and enrol with University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha

5 July 2024

All online enrolments with University of Canterbury for the BSLA micro-credential must be completed by Literacy Specialists/Facilitators.

22 July 2024

All online enrolments with University of Canterbury for the BSLA micro-credential must be completed by Teachers.

25-26 July 2024

29-30 July 2024

Literacy specialists must attend one of these two-day literacy specialists' workshops in Christchurch.

29 Haratua 2023 ka tuwhera ngā tono mō te tautoko mai i te Tāhuhu
14 Pipiri 2023 ka kati ngā tono mō te tautoko mai i te Tāhuhu 
26 Pipiri 2023 ka mōhio ngā kura ki ngā whakatau, ka whakauru ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
27 - 28 Hōngongoi 2023 He hui awheawhe mā ngā matini ki Tāmaki Makaurau reo matātanga

26 - 27 Kohitātea 2023

He hui awheawhe mā ngā mātanga reo matatini ki Ōtautahi 

Criteria Ngā Paearu

Schools applying for the Year 3 teachers are required to have their New Entrant/Year 1/Year 2  teachers also training or already trained. This is to ensure coherence in teaching for learners.


Participation in BSLA professional support involves:

  • Support from school leadership to make early literacy a strategic priority in the school’s Annual Plan or Kāhui Ako Achievement Challenges.
  • Literacy specialists undertaking the micro-credential supporting three teachers of New Entrants, Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3.
  • Literacy specialists who have previously completed the professional learning and attained the micro-credential supporting up to five teachers of New Entrants, Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3.
  • New Entrant/Year 1/Year 2/Year 3 Teachers accessing online learning and receiving in class support from literacy specialists to use Ready to Read Phonics Plus and embed this into their teaching practice. 

Ka taea e ngā kura katoa te tono heoi ko ngā tono ka mātua tirohia ko ērā mai i ngā Kāhui Ako me ngā huinga me ngā kura whakatauranga ā-rōpū ngāhuru 1-5.


Ka whai wāhi mai ki te tautoko ngaiotanga BSLA:

  • Ka tautoko ngā kaiarataki o te kura kia noho te reo matatini mō ngā nohinohi he whāinga rautaki tōmua i roto i te Mahere ā-Tau a te kura, i roto rānei i Ngā Wero Tutukitanga ā-Kāhui Ako.
  • Ko ngā mātanga reo matatini e whai ana i ngā whiwhinga-rauiti me te tautoko i ētahi kaiako tokotoru o ngā tamariki hou, tau tahi rānei.
  • Ko ngā mātanga reo matatini kua oti i a rātou te akoranga ngaiotanga, ā, kua whiwhi hoki i ngā whiwhinga-rauiti mō te tautoko kaiako kē atu.
  • Ko ngā kaiako ngā tamariki hōu, tau tahi e whai wāhi ana ki te ako tuihono, ā, kei te whai tautoko hoki i roto i te akomanga mai i te mātanga reo matatini ki te whakamahi i Ready to Read Phonics Plus kia taketake tonu ai te noho ki āna mahi akoako.

Commitment Te Paihere

The following commitments are needed from those accessing this professional support to ensure the spread of expertise in the sector and sustained changes in literacy teaching practice:

  • Schools will support the ongoing use and embedding of Ready to Read Phonics Plus texts and BSLA into literacy teaching practice.
  • Across-School Literacy specialists will provide continuing in-school support in Ready to Read Phonics Plus texts and BSLA texts for more teachers across a range of schools.
  • New Entrant, Years 1-3 will use Ready to Read Phonics Plus and BSLA alongside their existing strategies for teaching literacy.

The schedules of activities and time commitments for literacy specialists and participating teachers provide more information on what is involved.

Me ngākaunui, me whakaū rawa te hunga e whai wāhi ana ki tēnei tautoko ngaiotanga, kia mātua horahia ngā pūkenga me te mātauranga puta noa i te rāngai, kia mau tonu hoki ki ngā hurihanga i roto i te ako reo matatini.

  • Ka tautoko ngā Kura i te whakamahinga me te whakaurunga o ngā tuhinga Ready to Read Phonics Plus me te BSLA ki roto i ngā mahi whakaako reo matatini.  
  • Ka whakaratoa e te hunga Mātanga reo matatini ā-Kura ngā mahi tautoko ā-kura mō ngā tuhinga Ready to Read Phonics Plus me ngā tuhinga BSLA mō ngā kaiako puta noa i ngā kura.  
  • Ka whakamahia e ngā Kaiako ngā mahi Ready to Read Phonics Plus me te BSLA i te taha o ā rātou rautaki whakaako reo matatini.

Kei ngā rārangi tūmahi, rārangi paiherenga wā mō ngā mātanga reo matatini ā-Kura me ngā kaiako ngā tamariki hōu, tau tahi  te roanga atu o ngā pārongo e pā ana ki te kaupapa nei.

The application process Te tukanga tono


Discuss the application with your Board and your Kāhui Ako or cluster schools. If your Kāhui Ako or cluster wants to apply, decide which school will make the application, discuss the application with the new entrant and Years 1-3 teachers and school literacy specialists you plan to involve. Make sure you also discuss this with the manager of across-school literacy specialists. Ensure the teachers, literacy specialists and respective managers give consent for you to include their names and work email addresses in the application.

Me matapaki tēnei kaupapa me te Poari, me tō Kāhui Ako, Kāhui ā-kura rānei. Mēnā e hiahia ana tō Kāhui Ako, tō kāhui rānei ki te tono, me whakarite ko tēhea kura māna e tuku te tono, me matapaki te tono me ngā kaiako, ngā mātanga kua tohua e koe, ā, me whai whakaaetanga mai i a rātou ki te whakamahi i ō rātou ingoa, īmēra wāhi mahi hoki ki te tono.


Ensure your school has a PLD Lead with Education Sector Logon access to the BSLA application form.

Ā, me noho tētahi Kaihautū PLD e whai wāhi ana ki te Education Sector Logon me te puka tono ki te BSLA ki te kura e hiahia ana ki te tono mō tēnei kaupapa.


Apply for BSLA support through the online form.  

Me tono mō ngā tautoko BSLA mā te whakaoti i te puka tono ā-ipurangi. 


The Ministry receives and reviews the application. 

Ka riro mā te Tāhuhu e arotake te tono mō te rāuna o muri mai.


You are notified of the outcome of your application. Please note that any emails regarding the status or outcome of your application will be sent from an email address with the @Salesforce.com domain – please ensure you are checking your junk/spam email folders.

Ka whakamōhiotia koe mō te taha ki tō tono. Kia mōhio mai: Ko ngā īmēra katoa e pā ana ki tō tono ka tukua ki a koe mai i te wāhitau īmērā me tōna rohe @Salesforce.com – me mātua tirotiro e koe ō kōpaki īmēra paraurehe.


Participants enrol with the University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha. To enrol visit the University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha.

Ka whakauru te hunga whai wāhi ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha |University of Canterbury. Kia whakauru atu, haere ki te pae tukutuku University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha.

If you have any questions for the University of Canterbury’s BSLA team once you have received confirmation for Cohort 8 from the Ministry, you can email them at askbsla@canterbury.ac.nz.

Set up your Education Sector Logon (ESL) Te whakarite i tō Education Sector Logon (ESL)

The Principal, tumuaki or PLD Lead within the school will have ESL access to the BSLA form automatically when applications are open.

If you are the PLD Lead within the school and do not have access, the Delegated Authoriser in your school must update your account or invite you to create an account.

Your Delegated Authoriser is most likely the school principal or tumuaki.

Your Delegated Authoriser can go to Support for school Delegated Authorisers to update or create a new ESL account.

If you need help setting up your ESL, contact the Ministry's Education Service Desk team by phone: 0800 422 599 or email: service.desk@education.govt.nz.

Ka whai wāhi atu te tumuaki, te kaihautū PLD rānei o tō kura ki te ESL, ki te puka tono hoki a te BSLA.

Mēnā ko koe te Kaihautū PLD kei tō kura, kare hoki e taea e koe te uru atu, mā tō Delegated Authoriser e whakahou to pūkete, māna koe e tono rānei kia hanga anō i tētahi pūkete hou.

Ko te Delegated Authoriser ko te tumuaki o tō kura, mō te nuinga.

Mā tō Delegated Authoriser e haere ki te Support for school Delegated Authorisers ki te whakahou, ki te hanga anō rānei i tētahi pūkete ESL hou.

Mēnā e hiahia āwhina ana koe ki te whakarite i tō ESL, whakapā mai ki te rōpū Education Service Desk mā te waea: 0800 422 599 īmēra rānei: service.desk@education.govt.nz.