Regionally-allocated PLD is about getting support for your specific needs. If your application is successful, you then use the Facilitator database to find a PLD facilitator of your choice.
You need to align your regionally-allocated PLD with one or more of the PLD priorities. The PLD priorities are designed to support schools and kura to grow their teacher and kaiako capabilities. In your application you explain how the PLD priority you chose fits your needs.
Go to the about page to learn about the history and background of regionally-allocated PLD and the PLD priorities.
Ko te PLD ā-rohe he rapu tautoko mō ō hiahia motuhake. Ki te angitu tō tono, kātahi koe ka whakamahi i te pātengi raraunga kaihuawaere hei rapu kaihuawaere PLD e pīrangi ana koe.
Kia whakahāngai i tō PLD ā-rohe ki tētahi, neke atu rānei ngā whāinga tōmua PLD. Kua hoahoatia ngā whāinga tōmua PLD ki te tautoko i ngā school me ngā kura ki te whakatipu i ā rātou āheitanga kaiako. Ka whakamārama koe ka pēhea te whāinga tōmua PLD ka kōwhiria e koe e whakaea ai i ō hiahia.
Haere ki te whārangi he whakamārama ki te whai mōhio ki te kōrero o mua, kōrero horopaki hoki mō te PLD ā-rohe me ngā whāinga tōmua PLD.
Education Sector Logon for teachers and kaiako
Set up your ESL to access the regional PLD online application system.
Te Takiura Rāngai Mātauranga (Education Sector Logon/ESL) mā ngā kaiako
Te whakatatū i tō ESL, kia taea ai te takiuru ki te pūnaha tuihono ā-rohe mō te PLD
PLD hours
PLD hours are made up of preparation and delivery time but do not include travel or time spent on business processes.
Ngā hāora PLD
Ko ngā hāora PLD, ngā hāora ki te whakarite me te tuku i te PLD, engari ehara i ngā hāora mō te haere ki te PLD me ngā hāora ka pau i ngā tukanga whakahaere.
Regional allocation panels
Learn about the regional allocation panels, who they are and what they look for in an application.
Ngā pae tuari ā-rohe
Ako tonu mō ngā pae tuari ā-rohe, ko wai rātou, he aha ngā āhuatanga e hiahia ana rātou i ngā tono.
PLD priorities
There are seven new PLD priorities which guide the focus of school and kura activities to strengthen their teacher and kaiako capabilities. Regionally-allocated PLD applications must align with at least one priority.
Ngā whāinga tōmua PLD
E whitu ngā whāinga tōmua PLD hou hei ārahi i te arotahi o ngā mahi o ngā kura ki te whakakaha i ngā āheitanga o ngā kaiako. Me hāngai ngā PLD ā-rohe ki tētahi, ētahi rānei o ēnei whāinga tōmua.
How regionally-allocated PLD works
Find out how the regionally-allocated PLD process works, from identifying your PLD needs, to finding and working with a facilitator, to completing progress reports.
Ko te whakahaerenga a te PLD ā-rohe
Rapua he kōrero mō te mahinga o te tukanga PLD ā-rohe, mai i te tautohu i ō hiahia PLD, ki te rapu me te mahi me te kaihuawaere, ki te whakaoti i te pūrongo ahu whakamua.
Apply for regionally-allocated PLD
Find closing dates and instructions for how to prepare and submit a regionally-allocated PLD application.
Te tono mō te PLD ā-rohe
Rapua ngā rā kati, ngā tohutohu mō te whakarite me te tuku i te tono PLD ā-rohe
Help and guides
User guides and videos explaining how to use the online regionally-allocated PLD application system.
He āwhina, he ārahi hoki
Waiting for translation