Kahu Pūtoi is a network of kaiako across Aotearoa who work in Māori-medium and Māori language education settings. It is a place of contribution and collaboration, where kaiako can share and receive timely support from their peers and experts on pedagogical and curriculum issues.

Through Kahu Pūtoi, kaiako can join their preferred interest hapori and move smoothly between multiple discussion groups.

Ko te Kahu Pūtoi he kōtuinga mō ngā kaiako e mahi ana i roto i ngā wāhi whakaako mā te reo Māori me ērā e whakaako ana i te reo Māori, puta noa i Aotearoa. He wāhi mahi tahi te Kahu Pūtoi, he wāhi e tōpū ai ngā whakaaro o tēnā kaiako, o tēnā mātanga, kia tautoko hoki tētahi i tētahi i runga i ngā take e pā ana ki te marautanga me te whakaako tamariki.

Mā te Kahu Pūtoi anō, ka taea e te kaiako te hono atu ki te hapori e kaingākautia ana me te whakawhiti haere i waenga i ngā rōpū wānanga.

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To find out more and to register, visit the website www.kahuputoi.org.nz


Nā te kaiako, mā te kaiako. | Empowering kaiako to support each other.

Kia whai mōhiotanga anō, kia rēhita rānei, toro atu ki te paetukutuku www.kahuputoi.org.nz


Nā te kaiako, mā te kaiako. | Empowering kaiako to support each other.