A PLD hour is a full hour of delivery from the school’s perspective. A PLD hour does not include time spent preparing, travelling or completing business processes.
PLD leads and facilitators must agree to the activities that are involved in the PLD delivery.
When services might not be delivered in-person, the hours still need to be agreed with the school.
Delivery time
Delivery is when a facilitator is working with the school, kura, Kāhui Ako or cluster to develop, implement and review the agreed PLD.
Examples of delivery hours include time spent:
- planning and reviewing with PLD leads. This could include helping plan the PLD journey, helping review progress and agreeing to next steps at key milestones.
- with teachers and PLD leads which is focused on the PLD outcomes. This could include facilitating workshops, coaching sessions, meetings, group sessions, mentoring and one-on-one sessions.
- meeting with PLD leads and other PLD facilitators working on the same allocation to ensure a coherent approach to PLD.
- on evaluation design and data analysis which is carried out in conjunction with teachers or PLD leads. This could include working with PLD leads to prepare evidence, developing teacher capability surveys, designing processes for monitoring student progress with teachers, and supporting PLD leads and teachers to analyse and interpret conclusions from data.
- on data analysis and resource development services which relate to the PLD outcomes with the PLD lead. These services might not be delivered face-to-face but do need to be agreed to with the school.
- on follow-up work by a facilitator directly related to PLD outcomes. This could include sourcing and sending research material to support a teacher or school inquiry, commenting on a teacher’s inquiry methodology and providing feedback on conclusions a teacher has drawn about the impact of their teaching on ākonga and student progress.
Virtual delivery of PLD
PLD hours can be delivered virtually over Skype, Zoom or other online conference programs. The facilitator and school or kura need to agree when virtual delivery is appropriate.
The virtual session needs to be individually tailored to the needs, plan, and desired outcomes of the school or kura.
Preparation is any time spent by the PLD facilitator on activities preparing for a session of PLD delivery before working with the school staff.
We assume that providers will spend at least an additional 15 minutes of preparation for every hour of delivery. For example, for four days of delivery there is at least one day of preparation for the facilitator to complete alongside the PLD. These 15 minutes are factored into the facilitator hourly rate paid by the Ministry for the PLD delivery.
Examples of preparation include:
- email, phone conversations and other virtual communications with the school, kura, Kāhui Ako or to confirm visit times or setting up workshop logistics.
- preparing materials for larger scale interactions such as PLD workshops.
- administrative tasks
Travel time
Travel time is not included as part of preparation or delivery time. There is a travel policy with a range of tiers providing recompense for travel time and expenses to facilitators travelling more than 50km to deliver PLD.
If a facilitator has delivered some hours virtually and did not travel, travel expenses cannot be claimed for those hours.
Business processes
Time spent on business processes such as accounting, personal development, annual reporting, induction, appraisal and strategic planning are not included as part of preparation or delivery time.
It is the PLD provider's responsibility to determine how much time a facilitator allocates to these tasks.
Agreeing to additional costs
If it is expected that the school, kura, Kāhui Ako or cluster will have to pay towards additional material (e.g. copyrighted texts), this should be made clear and agreed to at the earliest possible point.
If you have any questions, please contact pld.enquiries@education.govt.nz.
Ko te hāora PLD he rite ki te hāora whakaako e ai ki te tirohanga a te kura. Ā, kāore ngā mahi hāereere, ngā mahi whakarite me te whakaoti i ngā tukanga pakihi e taka mai i roto i te hāora PLD.
Me mātua whakaae ngā kaihautū me ngā kaiwhakarite PLD ki ngā mahi ka whakaritea mō te kaupapa nei.
Ina kāore ngā mahi e tukuna ā-tinanatia, me whakaae tonu te kura ki ngā hāora.
Te wā tuku (Delivery time)
Ko te wā tuku, ko te wā mahi o te kaiwhakarite me ngā kura, ngā Kāhui Ako, ngā kāhui ā-kura rānei ki te hoahoa, ki te whakatinana me te arotake i te PLD kua whakaaetia.
Ētahi tauira o ngā wā tuku:
- te whakamahere me te arotake i ngā kaihautū PLD. Te āwhina ki te whakamahere i te haerenga PLD, te āwhina ki te arotake i ngā mahi ka tutuki, te whakaae hoki ki ngā whāinga ā muri me tutuki i a rātou.
- te mahi tahi me ngā kaiako, ngā kaihautū PLD e pā ana ki ngā whāinga o ngā mahi PLD. Mai i ngā hui awheawhe, ngā wā whakaako, ngā hui, ngā mahi ā-rōpū, te noho takitahi me te kaihautū hoki.
- te hui me ngā kaihautū PLD me ētahi atu kaiwhakarite PLD e mahi ana ki te tukunga kotahi, e ōrite ai ngā mahi PLD.
- te arotake i ngā tātaritanga raraunga, te arotake hoahoanga me ngā kaiako, ngā kaihautū PLD rānei. Pērā i te whakarite taunakitanga, te hanga i ngā rapunga whakaaro mō ngā āheinga o ngā kaiako, te hanga tukanga e aroturuki ai i ngā tutukitanga a te ākonga me ngā kaiako, te tautoko hoki i ngā kaiako me ngā kaihautū PLD ki te tātari me te whakamārama i ngā kitenga mai i ngā raraunga.
- ngā ratonga tātari raraunga me te tārai rauemi e pā ana ki ngā whāinga PLD me te kaihautū PLD. Kāore pea ēnei ratonga e tukua kanohi-ki-te-kanohi engari me mātua whakaae tonu me te kura.
- te whai haere a te kaihautū i ngā mahi e pā ana ki ngā whāinga PLD. Te rapu me te tuku i ngā tuhinga rangahau hei tautoko i tētahi kaiako, i tētahi pakirehua ā-kura rānei, te tuku urupare mō te huarahi rangahau a te kaiako me ngā otinga i kitea e te kaiako e pā ana ki ngā whāinga me ngā tutukitanga a te ākonga.
Te PLD huawaere mariko (Virtual delivery of PLD)
Ka taea te tuku i ngā hāora PLD ā-mariko, mā te Skype, mā te Zoom, mā tētahi atu tautono hui ā-Ipurangi rānei. Me whakaae te kaihuawaere me te kura mēnā e tika ana te tuku huawaere mariko.
Me whakahāngai te hui mariko ki ngā matea, te mahere me ngā putanga e hiahiatia ana e te kura.
Te wā whakarite
Ko te wā whakarite, ko te wā ka whakapaua e te kaihautū ki te whakarite i ngā tūmahi ka mahia i roto i te mahi PLD, i mua i tana mahi me ngā kaiako.
Tōna tikanga ka noho te hunga whakarato ki te whakarite i ā rātou mahi, āhua 15 meneti mō ia hāora ka tukuna ngā mahi ki ngā kaiako. Hai tauira, mō ngā rā e whā e tukuna ana ngā mahi, ka noho ko te rā kotahi hei whakarite i aua mahi rā, ki te taha o te PLD. Ka uru mai ngā wā whakarite nei ki ngā utu ā-haora ka utua e Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga mō ēnei mahi PLD.
He tauira o ngā whakaritenga:
- te whakawhiti kōrero ā-īmēra, ā-waea rānei me ērā atu huinga mariko ka taea me ngā kura, ngā Kāhui Ako rānei ki te whakarite i ngā wā tūtaki, me ngā whakahaerenga awheawhe hoki.
- te whakarite i ngā rauemi mō ngā hui nui pērā i ngā awheawhe PLD.
- me mahi whakahaere hoki
Te wā haerenga
Kāore te wā haerenga e whakaurua ki te taha o ngā hāora whakarite me ngā hāora huawaere. Kei te kaupapa here mō ngā haerenga, e rārangitia ana ngā papa o ngā utu mō te wā haerenga me ngā nama mō ngā kaihuawaere e haere ana i te tawhiti nui ake i te 50km ki te huawaere i te PLD.
Mēnā, he hāora huawaere mariko ētahi hāora, ā, kāore he haerenga, kāore e taea te whiwhi utu haerenga mō aua hāora.
Ngā tukanga pakihi
Kāore e taea te whakauru i ngā wā kua pau mō ngā tukanga pakihi, pērā i te kaute pūtea, te whakahaere kaimahi, ngā pūrongo ā-tau, te whakauru kaimahi, te arohaehae kaimahi me te whakamahere rautaki ki roto i ngā hāora whakarite, tuku rānei i te PLD.
He haepapa mā te kaiwhakarato PLD ki te whakatau i te roa o te wā e tukua mō te kaihuawaere ki te whakaoti i ērā mahi.
Ko te whakaae ki ngā utu tāpiri
Mēnā ka kitea ka riro mā te school, kura, Kāhui Ako, cluster rānei ngā rauemi kē (pērā i ngā pukapuka matua manatārua) e utu, me whakaū kia moata tonu ai te whakaatu, te whakaae hoki.
Mēnā he pātai āu, whakapā atu ki: pld.enquiries@education.govt.nz.