The Teacher Aide PLD Pilot fund closed for applications on Thursday 10 June 2021, 5:00pmMore information on this can be found in the news item on our website

The Teacher Aide PLD Pilot fund closed for applications on Thursday 10 June 2021, 5:00pmMore information on this can be found in the news item on our website

Background to teacher aide PLD Te whakamārama i te PLD mā ngā kaiāwhina

PLD funding for teacher aides was first established through the Support Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement (SSSCA) 2019-22 negotiations between the Ministry of Education and NZEI Te Rui Roa.

The first round of funding under the SSSCA 2019-22 was named the “Teacher Aide PLD Pilot Fund”, which aimed to break down some of the barriers to PLD that teacher aides experience. As a pilot, it gauged the interest for this support, as well as the type of PLD which could potentially be funded long-term. The Pilot ran from July 2020 – June 2021.


Principles of the teacher aide PLD pilot fund

The fund:

  • Recognised Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its importance in the education sector.
  • Recognised that teacher aides are core workers under the Children’s Act 2014.
  • Ensured teacher aide development aligns with and supports school, kura, and system-wide PLD priorities.
  • Contributed to the development of a teacher aide or group of teacher aides.
  • Improved the ability to meet the diverse learning needs of ākonga, enabling access to the Aotearoa NZ curriculum.
  • Recognised that PLD that is in or across school or kura is equally as valid and beneficial as that from an external provider.


This fund supported the development of your skills and knowledge as a teacher aide in ways that contributed to the vision of your school, and to ākonga and students' needs. The PLD must have:

  • Contributed to your capability to improve ākonga and student wellbeing, or
  • improved your cultural capability, or
  • helped you increase your ability to support ākonga and students.

By its nature, the pilot period will be used to demonstrate demand and inform future development of PLD for teacher aides. Feedback from teacher aides who have participated in the pilot will also inform further development of both the pilot and future PLD for teacher aides.

The teacher aide PLD pilot fund was the first of its kind offered in Aotearoa New Zealand. It recognised the value and importance of teacher aides’ career and skills development for schools, in their communities, and to ākonga.

The pilot fund aimed to break down some of the barriers to professional learning and development that teacher aides experience. As a pilot fund, it gauged interest for this support, as well as the types of PLD which could be funded long-term.

The fund was established as a result of the Support Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement (SSSCA) 2019-22 negotiations between the Ministry of Education and NZEI Te Rui Roa. It sits under the Education Accord signed in 2019 between NZEI Te Riu Roa, the PPTA and the Ministry of Education that considers career progression for para-professionals.

The fund was boosted by the Teacher Aide Pay Equity Claim by $1.5 million, bringing the total fund to $2.29 million, starting 1 July 2020.

The fund aimed to support as many teacher aides as possible. Teacher aides who made a successful application received reimbursement of costs to their school of up to $1,500. This sum is for use towards course costs and wages for their time in professional learning.

Additional travel and accommodation support of up to $500 per application is also available, if the teacher aide meets the criteria for this.


Principles of the teacher aide PLD pilot fund

The fund:

  • Recognised Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its importance in the education sector.
  • Recognised that teacher aides are core workers under the Children’s Act 2014.
  • Ensured teacher aide development aligns with and supports school, kura, and system-wide PLD priorities.
  • Contributed to the development of a teacher aide or group of teacher aides.
  • Improved the ability to meet the diverse learning needs of ākonga, enabling access to the Aotearoa NZ curriculum.
  • Recognised that PLD that is in or across school or kura is equally as valid and beneficial as that from an external provider.


This fund supported the development of your skills and knowledge as a teacher aide in ways that contributed to the vision of your school, and to ākonga and students' needs. The PLD must have:

  • Contributed to your capability to improve ākonga and student wellbeing, or
  • improved your cultural capability, or
  • helped you increase your ability to support ākonga and students.

By its nature, the pilot period will be used to demonstrate demand and inform future development of PLD for teacher aides. Feedback from teacher aides who have participated in the pilot will also inform further development of both the pilot and future PLD for teacher aides.

Invoicing for existing Teacher Aide applications Invoicing for existing Teacher Aide applications

In order to receive reimbursement under the Teacher Aide PLD Pilot fund, your school or kura needs to create an invoice addressed to the “Ministry of Education” for the costs as approved for each funding application. Your school or kura can send an invoice to the Ministry for course costs, attendance time, travel and accommodation once your application has been approved.

The cost information will be in the confirmation email sent out when the application was approved. The teacher aide and their principal or supervisor should have both received this confirmation email with the costs noted.

Invoices should include the name of the teacher aide and application reference numbers (in format TAA-XXXXXX) so the invoice can be matched to the application in the online system. Please note that the total on approved funding applications is GST inclusive.

Send invoices directly to

If you have any questions about invoicing, contact


In order to receive reimbursement under the Teacher Aide PLD Pilot fund, your school or kura needs to create an invoice addressed to the “Ministry of Education” for the costs as approved for each funding application. Your school or kura can send an invoice to the Ministry for course costs, attendance time, travel and accommodation once your application has been approved.

The cost information will be in the confirmation email sent out when the application was approved. The teacher aide and their principal or supervisor should have both received this confirmation email with the costs noted.

Invoices should include the name of the teacher aide and application reference numbers (in format TAA-XXXXXX) so the invoice can be matched to the application in the online system. Please note that the total on approved funding applications is GST inclusive.

Send invoices directly to

If you have any questions about invoicing, contact


Teacher aide PLD courses He akoranga PLD mō ngā kaiāwhina

If a teacher aide is still interested in professional learning courses, there is a list available on the Professional Learning and Development page on the NZEI website. The list is not exhaustive. Although the fund is fully allocated, schools and kura can choose to fund professional learning opportunities for their teacher aides. 

Under the fund, teacher aides could apply for professional learning that supports the development of their skills and knowledge in a way that contributes to the vision of their school or kura and the learning needs of ākonga and students.

The fund paid for professional learning offered by private providers, polytechnics, universities, schools, kura, Kāhui Ako or clusters. It covered both face-to-face and distance or online delivery. PLD that is in or across school or kura is equally as valid and beneficial as that from an external provider.

If a teacher aide is still interested in professional learning courses, there is a list available on the Professional Learning and Development page on the NZEI website. The list is not exhaustive. Although the fund is fully allocated, schools and kura can choose to fund professional learning opportunities for their teacher aides. 

Under the fund, teacher aides could apply for professional learning that supports the development of their skills and knowledge in a way that contributes to the vision of their school or kura and the learning needs of ākonga and students.

The fund paid for professional learning offered by private providers, polytechnics, universities, schools, kura, Kāhui Ako or clusters. It covered both face-to-face and distance or online delivery. PLD that is in or across school or kura is equally as valid and beneficial as that from an external provider.

Video guide He ārahi ataata

Create a Teacher Aide PLD application Create a Teacher Aide PLD application

Watch this video to support you in creating your application for Teacher Aide PLD. For any questions about your application please get in touch with us at

Watch this video to support you in creating your application for Teacher Aide PLD. For any questions about your application please get in touch with us at

transcript icon Video transcript available for Tāngakupu ataata Create a Teacher Aide PLD application Create a Teacher Aide PLD application
Open Tirohia Close Kati


Kia ora and welcome to this instructional video for Teacher aide PLD.

This video will guide you through the process to submit an application for the Teacher Aide PLD fund.

Before you start your application, there are some key things to remember:

The application form works best in the Google Chrome web browser, so we recommend using Google Chrome when making your application.

The application process is only for the reimbursement of your PLD costs and does not register you for the course itself. You or your school or kura will need to register for the course directly with the course provider.

Before you apply, you’ll need an Education Sector Logon, or ESL, and have the ‘PLD Teacher Aide role’ assigned to your ESL account. The delegated authoriser for ESL at your school or kura can set this up for you.

When you are ready to apply for your PLD, you can access the application form through the PLD website by clicking on the “Apply for Teacher Aide PLD” button.

(“Apply for Teacher Aide PLD” button is clicked)

Enter your ESL details to log into the application portal.

(Username and Password are entered into corresponding boxes, “Login” is clicked)

Your application will save automatically as you work through it. If you exit the application at any stage, you can continue the application by logging back in to the PLD system and clicking on the “My Applications” button from the Home Page, and locating your application in the list that appears.

From the application portal Home Page, you may choose to “Apply in English” or “Apply in Māori”. Click on your preferred application.

(“Apply in English” is clicked)

The application form will appear. Click on the “Course type” drop down box to select the type of course you’ll be undertaking.

(“External Provider” is selected from Course Type drop down box)

Next, in the text boxes below, enter the name of the course and the provider who will be delivering the PLD – this could be the name of a person or organisation.

(“Course 1” is typed in the PLD or course name text box, “Teacher Aide PLD Provider” is typed in the Provider name text box)

The next five multi-choice questions are about the course you want to undertake, and you will need to select either “Yes” or “No” for each question. If you answer “Yes” to the prerequisite question, a text box will appear for you to provide information about the pre-requisite courses.

(“No” is selected under ‘Is the course NZQA approved”’, “Yes” is selected under ‘Are there any prerequisites required?’,  “Foundation course 1” is typed under ‘Please list the Prerequisites”,  “No” is selected under ‘Does this PLD course lead onto a next level course?’, “Face-to-Face” is selected under ‘Is the PLD course delivered?’, “Yes” is selected under ‘Is the PLD delivered out of your school hours?’)

Next, enter the start date and the end date of your PLD course. If there are no set dates, enter in the dates you expect to start and finish the course.

(5 May 2021 is selected under ‘PLD/Course Start Date’ and ‘PLD Course End Date’)

The next three questions are important to answer, as the course you are taking should help you develop your capabilities in your role as a teacher aide and support your appraisal goals.

First, you are asked how the PLD you want to undertake will help develop your capabilities. Describe your answer in 250 words or less.

(“This will develop my skills in behaviour management” is typed under ‘Describe in 250 words or less how the PLD you have identified will assist you to develop your capability to improve student wellbeing and/or cultural capability and/or capability to support all learners?’)

The next question asks you how this PLD will meet the school’s vision, values, and policies for professional learning. If you click “yes”, a text box will appear for you to describe your answer in 250 words or less.

(“Our school values student wellbeing.” is typed under ‘Please describe in 250 wrds or less how these will be met’?)

The last question asks how this PLD will support your own appraisal and development goals.

(“My goal is to upskill in behaviour management.” is typed under ‘Describe in 250 words or less how this PLD meets your own appraisal/development skills’?)

The next question asks if you have completed any other PLD in the last 12 months. If you have, a text box will appear for you to provide details of this.

(“Yes” is selected under ‘Have you completed any other PLD (external or in-house) in the last 12 months?’, “Foundation course 1” is typed in the text box underneath)

The final part on this page is the Endorsement of Application section. Your application cannot be approved by the Ministry if this is incomplete.

Any application for PLD must be discussed with your supervisor and be endorsed by your principal or tumuaki. Tick the box if they have approved your course.

(“Yes” is selected underneath ‘Have you discussed your application with your supervisor?’, the check box is selected next to ‘*Has your application been endorsed by your Principal/personal holding delegated authority?’)

You will also need to enter the email address for your principal or tumuaki. They’ll receive an email confirming the details of your application once it has been processed by the Ministry.

(Email address, is entered into ‘*Please supply the email address of your Principal/Tumuaki or person holding delegated authority’ box)

Click “Next” – this will take you to the next section where you can enter the costs of your PLD.

(Click, “Next”)

You can claim for course costs, wage costs, and travel and accommodation expenses, up to the value of $1,500.00. Click on the drop-down box to select the type of cost that you want to claim. In the description box you can record any details, such as the breakdown of the cost.  In this example, we’ve entered 5 hours of wages at a cost of $25.00 an hour. Enter the cost amount and click “Add”.

(Course Costs entered: Type: “Wages”, Description: “5 hours at $25.00”, Type: “$125.00”)

Your entry will then appear in the “Application Costs” section.

Repeat these steps to enter other categories of costs for your PLD.

(Course Costs entered: Type: “Course fees”, Description: “5 hours at $25.00”, Type: “$500.00”)

If you need to delete any costs, tick the box next to the cost line and click ‘Delete’.

(Course Fees Application Cost selected, “Delete” option selected)

If you need to edit any descriptions or amounts, delete the entry, and add a new line with the correct details.

(Course Costs entered: Type: “Course fees”, Description: “5 hours at $25.00”, Type: “$600.00”)

“Your Application Totals” will show a summary of the PLD costs you’ve entered to show you how much has been claimed. After entering your costs, click “Next”.

(Click, “Next”)

This will take you to the Isolation Allowance and Statistical Information section.

The isolation allowance adds an additional amount of up to $500.00 for travel costs for professionally or geographically isolated teacher aides who meet one of the criteria.

The criteria are that you are either:

Located more than 100kms from a population centre of more than 20,000 people; or

The PLD course is specialist course content only delivered in limited locations of 100kms or more away, or between islands.

You should only add the isolation allowance if you meet one or both criteria, and the actual costs of your PLD will be more than $1,500.00. If you’ve already entered all your travel costs in the previous costs section, you don’t need to use the isolation allowance to claim for travel costs.

Next, the Statistical Information section will ask you general questions such as gender, ethnicity, and iwi. These are for statistical purposes and you can choose not to provide this information.

(Options selected/typed: Gender: “Female”, Ethnicity: “Māori”, Iwi: “Tainui”]

Finally, you’ll be asked to complete the declaration section confirming the information you have provided is true and correct, and that you agree to the Ministry using the information you’ve provided for the purpose of processing your application.

(Two checkboxes at bottom of page for Declarations are ticked)

The last declaration statement is optional. If you don’t agree to the Ministry of Education using the information you’ve provided in your application for research, evaluation and statistical purposes, you can leave this un-ticked and your information won’t be used.

(Last checkbox under Declaration is ticked)

Once you are satisfied with your application, click “Submit”.

(Click, “Submit”)

A message will appear confirming that you’ve submitted your application. Click “Finish”.

(Click, “Finish”)

You will then be taken to the “My Applications” list where you can see your submitted application in the system. You can view a summary of the application by clicking on the application reference number.

(TA Application Reference Number, TAA-003967 is selected)

If you need to make any changes to your application after it is submitted, please contact the Ministry of Education PLD team at and they will return your application back to draft so that you can make changes. You do not need to start a new application.

(Scrolling up and down the page of details submitted for the application)

After you submit your application, it will be received by the Ministry of Education’s PLD team for processing. They may contact you if the application is incomplete, or if they have any questions about the information you’ve provided in your application.

If your application is approved, you and your principal or tumuaki will receive a confirmation email and you can undertake your course.

After your application has been approved, your school or kura needs to invoice the Ministry of Education for the costs as approved in order to receive the reimbursement. Invoices need to be emailed to the Ministry’s PLD team.

For any questions about your application please get in touch with us at

Thank you for watching and we wish you well on your PLD journey.

(Ministry of Education Te Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga)

Kia ora and welcome to this instructional video for Teacher aide PLD.

This video will guide you through the process to submit an application for the Teacher Aide PLD fund.

Before you start your application, there are some key things to remember:

The application form works best in the Google Chrome web browser, so we recommend using Google Chrome when making your application.

The application process is only for the reimbursement of your PLD costs and does not register you for the course itself. You or your school or kura will need to register for the course directly with the course provider.

Before you apply, you’ll need an Education Sector Logon, or ESL, and have the ‘PLD Teacher Aide role’ assigned to your ESL account. The delegated authoriser for ESL at your school or kura can set this up for you.

When you are ready to apply for your PLD, you can access the application form through the PLD website by clicking on the “Apply for Teacher Aide PLD” button.

(“Apply for Teacher Aide PLD” button is clicked)

Enter your ESL details to log into the application portal.

(Username and Password are entered into corresponding boxes, “Login” is clicked)

Your application will save automatically as you work through it. If you exit the application at any stage, you can continue the application by logging back in to the PLD system and clicking on the “My Applications” button from the Home Page, and locating your application in the list that appears.

From the application portal Home Page, you may choose to “Apply in English” or “Apply in Māori”. Click on your preferred application.

(“Apply in English” is clicked)

The application form will appear. Click on the “Course type” drop down box to select the type of course you’ll be undertaking.

(“External Provider” is selected from Course Type drop down box)

Next, in the text boxes below, enter the name of the course and the provider who will be delivering the PLD – this could be the name of a person or organisation.

(“Course 1” is typed in the PLD or course name text box, “Teacher Aide PLD Provider” is typed in the Provider name text box)

The next five multi-choice questions are about the course you want to undertake, and you will need to select either “Yes” or “No” for each question. If you answer “Yes” to the prerequisite question, a text box will appear for you to provide information about the pre-requisite courses.

(“No” is selected under ‘Is the course NZQA approved”’, “Yes” is selected under ‘Are there any prerequisites required?’,  “Foundation course 1” is typed under ‘Please list the Prerequisites”,  “No” is selected under ‘Does this PLD course lead onto a next level course?’, “Face-to-Face” is selected under ‘Is the PLD course delivered?’, “Yes” is selected under ‘Is the PLD delivered out of your school hours?’)

Next, enter the start date and the end date of your PLD course. If there are no set dates, enter in the dates you expect to start and finish the course.

(5 May 2021 is selected under ‘PLD/Course Start Date’ and ‘PLD Course End Date’)

The next three questions are important to answer, as the course you are taking should help you develop your capabilities in your role as a teacher aide and support your appraisal goals.

First, you are asked how the PLD you want to undertake will help develop your capabilities. Describe your answer in 250 words or less.

(“This will develop my skills in behaviour management” is typed under ‘Describe in 250 words or less how the PLD you have identified will assist you to develop your capability to improve student wellbeing and/or cultural capability and/or capability to support all learners?’)

The next question asks you how this PLD will meet the school’s vision, values, and policies for professional learning. If you click “yes”, a text box will appear for you to describe your answer in 250 words or less.

(“Our school values student wellbeing.” is typed under ‘Please describe in 250 wrds or less how these will be met’?)

The last question asks how this PLD will support your own appraisal and development goals.

(“My goal is to upskill in behaviour management.” is typed under ‘Describe in 250 words or less how this PLD meets your own appraisal/development skills’?)

The next question asks if you have completed any other PLD in the last 12 months. If you have, a text box will appear for you to provide details of this.

(“Yes” is selected under ‘Have you completed any other PLD (external or in-house) in the last 12 months?’, “Foundation course 1” is typed in the text box underneath)

The final part on this page is the Endorsement of Application section. Your application cannot be approved by the Ministry if this is incomplete.

Any application for PLD must be discussed with your supervisor and be endorsed by your principal or tumuaki. Tick the box if they have approved your course.

(“Yes” is selected underneath ‘Have you discussed your application with your supervisor?’, the check box is selected next to ‘*Has your application been endorsed by your Principal/personal holding delegated authority?’)

You will also need to enter the email address for your principal or tumuaki. They’ll receive an email confirming the details of your application once it has been processed by the Ministry.

(Email address, is entered into ‘*Please supply the email address of your Principal/Tumuaki or person holding delegated authority’ box)

Click “Next” – this will take you to the next section where you can enter the costs of your PLD.

(Click, “Next”)

You can claim for course costs, wage costs, and travel and accommodation expenses, up to the value of $1,500.00. Click on the drop-down box to select the type of cost that you want to claim. In the description box you can record any details, such as the breakdown of the cost.  In this example, we’ve entered 5 hours of wages at a cost of $25.00 an hour. Enter the cost amount and click “Add”.

(Course Costs entered: Type: “Wages”, Description: “5 hours at $25.00”, Type: “$125.00”)

Your entry will then appear in the “Application Costs” section.

Repeat these steps to enter other categories of costs for your PLD.

(Course Costs entered: Type: “Course fees”, Description: “5 hours at $25.00”, Type: “$500.00”)

If you need to delete any costs, tick the box next to the cost line and click ‘Delete’.

(Course Fees Application Cost selected, “Delete” option selected)

If you need to edit any descriptions or amounts, delete the entry, and add a new line with the correct details.

(Course Costs entered: Type: “Course fees”, Description: “5 hours at $25.00”, Type: “$600.00”)

“Your Application Totals” will show a summary of the PLD costs you’ve entered to show you how much has been claimed. After entering your costs, click “Next”.

(Click, “Next”)

This will take you to the Isolation Allowance and Statistical Information section.

The isolation allowance adds an additional amount of up to $500.00 for travel costs for professionally or geographically isolated teacher aides who meet one of the criteria.

The criteria are that you are either:

Located more than 100kms from a population centre of more than 20,000 people; or

The PLD course is specialist course content only delivered in limited locations of 100kms or more away, or between islands.

You should only add the isolation allowance if you meet one or both criteria, and the actual costs of your PLD will be more than $1,500.00. If you’ve already entered all your travel costs in the previous costs section, you don’t need to use the isolation allowance to claim for travel costs.

Next, the Statistical Information section will ask you general questions such as gender, ethnicity, and iwi. These are for statistical purposes and you can choose not to provide this information.

(Options selected/typed: Gender: “Female”, Ethnicity: “Māori”, Iwi: “Tainui”]

Finally, you’ll be asked to complete the declaration section confirming the information you have provided is true and correct, and that you agree to the Ministry using the information you’ve provided for the purpose of processing your application.

(Two checkboxes at bottom of page for Declarations are ticked)

The last declaration statement is optional. If you don’t agree to the Ministry of Education using the information you’ve provided in your application for research, evaluation and statistical purposes, you can leave this un-ticked and your information won’t be used.

(Last checkbox under Declaration is ticked)

Once you are satisfied with your application, click “Submit”.

(Click, “Submit”)

A message will appear confirming that you’ve submitted your application. Click “Finish”.

(Click, “Finish”)

You will then be taken to the “My Applications” list where you can see your submitted application in the system. You can view a summary of the application by clicking on the application reference number.

(TA Application Reference Number, TAA-003967 is selected)

If you need to make any changes to your application after it is submitted, please contact the Ministry of Education PLD team at and they will return your application back to draft so that you can make changes. You do not need to start a new application.

(Scrolling up and down the page of details submitted for the application)

After you submit your application, it will be received by the Ministry of Education’s PLD team for processing. They may contact you if the application is incomplete, or if they have any questions about the information you’ve provided in your application.

If your application is approved, you and your principal or tumuaki will receive a confirmation email and you can undertake your course.

After your application has been approved, your school or kura needs to invoice the Ministry of Education for the costs as approved in order to receive the reimbursement. Invoices need to be emailed to the Ministry’s PLD team.

For any questions about your application please get in touch with us at

Thank you for watching and we wish you well on your PLD journey.

(Ministry of Education Te Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga)

Criteria Ngā paearu

This fund supported the development of your skills and knowledge as a teacher aide in ways that contributed to the vision of your school, and to ākonga and students' needs. The PLD must have:

  • Contributed to your capability to improve ākonga and student wellbeing, or
  • improved your cultural capability, or
  • helped you increase your ability to support ākonga and students.

This fund supported the development of your skills and knowledge as a teacher aide in ways that contributed to the vision of your school, and to ākonga and students' needs. The PLD must have:

  • Contributed to your capability to improve ākonga and student wellbeing, or
  • improved your cultural capability, or
  • helped you increase your ability to support ākonga and students.

What the fund will cover Ngā mea ka utua ki te tahua

The fund paid for course fees and your wages as a teacher aide during the time you attend the PLD course.

The fund will support claims up to $1,500 for course fees and wages.

There is an additional allowance of up to $500 for travel and accommodation if you meet the following criteria:

  • you are located more than 100km from a population centre of more than 20,000 people, or
  • you have to travel to a specialist course that is only delivered in limited locations of 100km or more away, or
  • you have to travel between islands.

Costs over and above this must be met by other means.

Ka utu te tahua i ngā utu akoranga, me tō utu kaiāwhina mō te wā ka haere koe ki te akoranga PLD.

Ka utu te tahua i ngā kerēme tae atu ki te $1,500 mō ngā utu whakauru ki te akoranga me ngā utu ā-haora.

E wātea ana hoki tētahi pūtea anō, tae atu ki te $500 mō te haerenga me te wharenoho, mēnā ka tutuki i a koe ēnei paearu:

  • ka noho koe tawhiti atu i te 100km i ngā tāone he 20,000 ngā tāngata te nui,
  • me haere koe ki tētahi akomanga motuhake, ka whakaakona kei ētahi wāhi noa, he 100km nui ake rānei te tawhiti,
  • me whakawhiti koe mai i waenga moutere rānei.

Mēnā ka nui ake te utu i tēnei, me rapu huarahi kē kia tutuki ai.

The application process Te tukanga tono


Before applying, discuss the proposal with your supervisor to ensure it meets the criteria. You will need to seek approval from your principal, tumuaki or other person approving the PLD.

Hei mua i te tuku tono, matapakina tō marohi me tō rangatira mahi, kia hāngai ai ki ngā herenga kei raro nei. Me whai whakaaetanga koe i tō tumuaki, i te tangata rānei kei a ia te mana whakaae mō te PLD.


Set up an Education Sector Logon (ESL) and fill in the online application form. You will need:

  • the email address of the principal, tumuaki or other person approving the PLD
  • your Ministry employee number and your school number (which you can find on your pay slip).

Whakatatū i te Takiuru Rāngai Mātauranga, arā, ko tō Education Sector Logon (ESL) me te whakakīia i te puka tono. Kia mārama mai hoki koe, ka hiahia te puka tono i ēnei:

  • te īmēra o te tumuaki, o te tangata rānei nāna i whakaae ki te PLD
  • tō nama kaimahi tāhuhu me te nama o tō kura (kei tō tauāki pūtea ēnei nama)

The Ministry of Education receives and processes the application.

Ka tae atu te tono ki te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, ā, ka tukatukatia te tono.


When your application is approved, you and your principal or tumuaki will receive notification of the approval. Principals and tumuaki are asked to contact the Ministry if they do not endorse the original application.

Ina whakaaetia tō tono, ka whakamōhiotia atu kōrua ko tō tumuaki. Mēnā kāore e whakaaetia te tono i tukua, me whakapā atu ngā tumuaki ki te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.


Once the Ministry of Education approves your application, you can arrange the PLD.

Ina whakaae te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga ki tō tono, ka āhei koe te whakarite i te PLD.


Your school or kura can send an invoice to the Ministry for course costs, attendance time, travel and accommodation once your application has been approved.

Invoices should be addressed to ‘Ministry of Education’ and include the teacher aide PLD application reference number, which is found on the confirmation email sent to the applicant and their principal or tumuaki. Email your invoices to the Ministry’s PLD team at

Your school or kura can send an invoice to the Ministry for course costs, attendance time, travel and accommodation once your application has been approved.

Invoices should be addressed to ‘Ministry of Education’ and include the teacher aide PLD application reference number, which is found on the confirmation email sent to the applicant and their principal or tumuaki. Email your invoices to the Ministry’s PLD team at

Set up your Education Sector Logon (ESL) Te whakatatū i tō Takiuru Rāngai Mātauranga, arā, ko tō Education Sector Logon (ESL)


Follow these steps to access the online PLD system with your ESL

  1. The delegated authoriser of your school or kura must either update your existing account or invite you to create a new ESL account. The teacher aide PLD role in ESL will be available from 1 July 2020.

    Your delegated authoriser needs to go to Support for school Delegated Authorisers to update or create a new ESL account. Your delegated authoriser is most commonly your school principal or tumuaki, or the person with the highest level of permissions in the ESL system for your school, kura or organisation.

    If you already have an ESL associated with your school, log in and click 'My Delegated Authorisers' on the left hand side to see who your delegated authoriser is. Your Delegated Authoriser will need to assign your role in the ESL system.

  2. Once your account is updated or created, go to Setting up your user account and choose either ‘New ESL user  create a new account’ or ‘Existing ESL user  use my existing ESL account’.

  3. You will now be able to login to the online system using the link for teacher aides, create your proposal, and complete the application form. If you need help, contact the Ministry's Education Service Desk team by phone: 0800 422 599 or email: 


Whāia ēnei hipanga ki te uru ki te pūnaha tuihono PLD mā tō ESL

  1. Mā te 'delegated authoriser' o tō kura e whakahou i tō pūkete, e tuku pōwhiri rānei ki a koe ki te whakahou i tō pūkete, ki te waihanga i te pūkete ESL hou rānei. Ka wātea te tūranga kaiāwhina PLD i roto i te ESL ā muri i te 1 o Hongongoi 2020.

    Mā tō 'delegated authoriser' e toro atu ki Support for school Delegated Authorisers ki te whakahou, waihanga rānei i tētahi pūkete ESL hou. Kei te nuinga o ngā kura ko te tumuaki te 'delegated authoriser', ko te tangata rānei kua whiwhi i te mana whakahaere ESL teitei rawa o tō kura, rōpū rānei.

    Mēnā kei a koe tētahi ESL mō tō kura, takiuru, ā, pāwhiria 'My Delegated Authorisers' kei te taha mauī, kia kite ai ko wai tō 'delegated authoriser'. Mā tō 'Delegated Authoriser' e whakarite tō tūranga kei te pūnaha ESL.

  2. Kia whakahoua rā anō, kia waihangahia rā anō rānei tō pūkete, haere ki Setting up your user account, ā, kōwhiria ‘New ESL user  create a new account’, ‘Existing ESL user  use my existing ESL account’ rānei.

  3. Kātahi ka taea te takiuru ki te pūnaha tuihono, mā te hononga mō ngā kaiāwhina, te waihanga i tō puka marohi, te whakaoti i te puka tono hoki. Mēnā ka hiahia koe i te āwhina, whakapā mai ki te tīma Education Service Desk, o Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, mā te waea ki: 0800 422 599, mā te īmēra ki:
 Teacher aide PLD application form

Teacher aide PLD application form He puka tono PLD mō te Kaiāwhina

Use this form to apply for teacher aide PLD

Whakamahia tēnei puka ki te tono mō te PLD kaiāwhina

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