Video guides He ārahi ataata
Video guides for the online PLD system
He ārahi ataata mō te pūnaha PLD ā-tuihono kua whakaritea ā-rohe
Create a regionally-allocated PLD application Hangaia he tono PLD ā-rohe
Kia ora, this screen cast will guide you through your PLD application. Refer to your supporting information to answer the questions in your proposal:
- What do you want to achieve with this PLD? What journey is your kura, school, cluster, or Kāhui Ako on that this proposal will contribute to?
- Why do you want to do this PLD? What evidence are you using that this proposal will support your journey?
- How will you measure if this PLD has been successful? How will it contribute to growing your kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki?
- How will this PLD contribute to growing your ākonga and students?
Click next and name your proposal. Make sure the title specifies what you are applying for to help you identify it in the future. For example, “Science PLD 2020”
Click next. You move to a new section and select what you are applying as:
Kura or school or cluster
You will be asked to select the schools or kura in your cluster or Kāhui ako on the summary page, before submitting your proposal.
Which national priority underpins your proposal? You may choose more than one
Click next, choose the aspect or aspects of your local curriculum that the proposed PLD will focus on. You will be asked to specify if mixed or other curriculum
Which wāhanga ako or learning area will your proposal focus on? You may choose more than one
Which medium do you want support in? You may choose more than one
Click next, look at the list of groups and select the groups that were consulted or contributed to this proposal. Please specify if others. You will then be asked to explain in 250 words or less how each of the groups you selected contributed to your proposal; you could include hui notes, surveys, community consultation evidence, feedback from events etc.
Click next. The drop down menu gives you several estimates of the duration of your PLD. Choose the estimate of duration you are applying for. Go to the next box and enter the number of teachers involved. Lastly, indicate how many hours you think you will need. Indicative estimated facilitator hours over one year are available by clicking on the information icon.
Click next. Let us know what you want to achieve with this PLD in 250 words or fewer. Outline the growth you are trying to achieve and how it fits within your journey – use the same story you would use in your staffroom, leadership meetings or with your whānau.
Why do you want to do this PLD? What evidence are you using that this proposal will support your journey? In 250 words or fewer, outline your why and evidence, e.g. data/cohort trends, whānau feedback, student voice, whiteboard notes, mind maps, slides, audio or video clips – the detail in your story.
Click next, this takes you to the proposed outcomes. The first textbox requires you to, briefly outline, in 250 words or fewer, how you plan to measure the impact of this PLD. What specific contribution will it to make to your leadership and teaching capability?
Secondly, in 250 words or fewer, briefly outline how this PLD will contribute to ākonga growth. E.g. are outcomes equitable across different groups of students? How will this PLD contribute to improving equity?
In the next box, we want to know how this will connect with other professional learning your cluster, kura, school or Kāhui Ako is undertaking. Here you will outline what other PLD activities you are already involved in, e.g. existing PLD allocations, DMIC, DT&HM, Manaiakalani, ALim, ALL.
Then tell us how your school, kura, Kāhui Ako, or cluster will contribute to this proposal and its ongoing impact. Describe the commitment you will make to this proposal using 250 words or less. E.g. the number of hours that you/or your teachers will commit, Teacher Only days, Inquiry Time or budget considerations.
Lastly, how does your proposal relate to your Kāhui Ako, kura, school's, or cluster's goals or achievement challenges? In 250 words or fewer, refer to your strategic planning and reporting documents, and outline how this PLD will support your work.
Click next, this is the final screen with a summary of your proposal. You can edit any section by clicking on the small pencil on the right hand side of each of the answer. You can add any supporting documentation on the right hand side, by clicking ‘upload files’.
If you want to edit or cancel the proposal click the “Edit’ or “Cancel Proposal” tab at the top right of the page.
The manage schools button is where you will add schools to this proposal if you are applying as a cluster or a Kāhui Ako.
Finally, click the ‘submit proposal’ box on the top right hand side of the page and a box will appear saying your application has been submitted successfully.
If you have any issues while making your application contact your regional office. Otherwise the regional office will begin processing your application. Thank you for watching.
Kia ora, Mā tēnei pāhomata koe e ārahi ki te whakaoti i tō tono PLD. Tirohia ō kōrero taunakitanga hei whakautu i ngā pātai i roto i tō tono:
- Ka tutuki i a koutou te aha mā tēnei mahi PLD? He aha te haerenga e hīkoitia ana e tō kura, e tō Kāhui Ako rānei, e whai koha ai tēnei tono ki roto?
- He aha koutou e hiahia ai ki te mahi i tēnei PLD? He aha ngā tū taunakitanga e whakamahia ana hei tautoko i tēnei haerenga o koutou?
- Ka ine pēhea koutou i ngā mahi PLD kia mōhio rawa kua tutuki pai i a koutou? He pēhea e whai koha ai ki te whakapiki i ō koutou kaiako, kaiārahi kura, tumuaki hoki?
- He pēhea e whai koha ai tēnei PLD ki te whakapiki i ō koutou ākonga?
Pāwhiri Panuku, ā, me hoatu he taitara mō tō tono. Me mātua whai kia whakaaturia e taua taitara te kaupapa kei te tonohia, kia ngāwari ai te tiki anō ā muri atu nei. Hei tauira, “Pūtaiao PLD 2020”
Pāwhiri Panuku. Ka tau koe ki tētahi wāhanga hou, ka tīpako ai i te rōpū e hāngai ana ki a koe:
- Kura
- Kahui Ako
Ka tonohia koe ki te tīpako i ngā kura i roto i tō kāhui i runga i te whārangi whakarāpopoto i mua i te tuku i tō tono.
E hāngai ana tō tono ki tēhea o ngā whāinga mātāmua ā-motu? Ka taea te tohu te mea kotahi, neke atu rānei
Pāwhiri Panuku, kōwhiria te/ngā āhuatanga o roto mai i tō marau ā-kura ka arotahia e tō tono PLD. Mehemea e hāngai ki marautanga kē atu, he mea hanumi rānei, me whakaatu mai.
E arotahi ana tō tono ki t/ēhea wāhanga ako? Ka taea te tohu te mea kotahi, neke atu rānei
E hiahia ana koutou kia whai tautoko mō tēhea arareo? Ka taea te tohu te mea kotahi, neke atu rānei
Pāwhiri Panuku, kātahi ka tiro i te rārangi rōpū kia tīpako i aua rōpū i whakawhiti kōrero ai koutou, i whai koha ai rānei ki tēnei tono. Mēnā he rōpū atu anō i ēnei, whakaatuhia. Ka tonohia koe ki te whakamārama mai, ki ngā kupu 250 iti iho rānei, he pēhea i whai koha ai ia rōpū nāu i tīpako ki tō tono; tērā e whakaurua mai e koe ngā kōrero mai i ngā hui, he rapanga whakaaro i whakahaeretia, he kōrero hei taunaki i ngā whakawhitinga kōrero me te hapori, ngā kōrero whakahoki mai i ngā hui, aha atu, aha atu.
Pāwhiri Panuku. Kei te tahua takaiho ētahi whakatau tata mō te roa o tō mahi PLD. Kōwhiria te mea tika mō tō tono. Haere ki te pouaka e whai atu ana ka whakauru ai i te tokomaha o ngā kaiako ka whai wāhi mai. Hei mahi whakamutunga, whakaaturia te maha o ngā hāora ka hiahiatia. Mā te pāwhiri i te tohu pārongo e kitea ngā hāora mō te kaiwhakarite.
Pāwhiri Panuku. Whakaatu mai ki ngā kupu 250 iti iho rānei, he aha tā koutou e whai ana kia tutuki. Whakaaturia mai te āhua o te piki haeretanga e manakohia ana me tōna wāhi anō i roto i tō koutou haerenga – whakaaturia taua kōrero anō ka whakamahia e koe i te taha o ngā kaiako, i roto i ngā hui kaiārahi, i te taha o tō whānau rānei.
He aha koutou e hiahia nei ki te mahi i tēnei kaupapa PLD? He aha rā ngā taunakitanga e whakamahi ana hei tautoko i tō koutou haerenga? Whakaaturia mai, ki ngā kupu 250 iti iho rānei, tō take me ngā taunakitanga, hei tauira: ngā ia raraunga/reanga rānei, ngā whakahoki kōrero mai i ngā whānau, te reo o ngā ākonga, ngā pitopito kōrero papamā, ngā mahere ā-roro, ngā ataata – hei kiko anō mō tō kōrero.
Pāwhiri Panuku, kia puta koe ki ngā putanga e marohitia ana. Ki te pouaka kuputuhi tuatahi whakaaturia mai ki ngā kupu 250 iti iho rānei, he pēhea koutou e ine ai i te pānga o tēnei kaupapa. He aha tāna hei hāpai i tā koutou āheinga ki te arataki, ki te whakaako hoki?
Tuarua, whakaaturia mai ki ngā kupu 250 iti iho rānei, he pēhea e whai koha ai tēnei mahi PLD ki te tipu o te ākonga. Hei tauira, āe rānei he ōrite ngā huanga mō tēnā rōpū, mō tēnā reanga ākonga? He pēhea e whai koha ai tēnei PLD kia pai ake te te whiwhinga ōrite?
Ki te pouaka kuputuhi e whai atu ana, kei te hiahia mātou kia mōhio he pēhea e hono atu ai tēnei o ngā mahi ki ētahi atu mahi PLD kei te kawea i tēnei wā e tō huinga, tō kura, tō Kāhui Ako rānei. I konei, ka whakaaturia mai e koe i ērā atu mahi PLD kei te whai wāhi koe ki roto, pērā i ngā tohatoha PLD, DMIC, DT&HM, Manaiakalani, ALim, ALL.
Me whakaatu hoki he pēhea e whai koha ai tō kura, tō Kāhui Ako, tō huinga rānei ki tēnei tono me tōna pānga i roto i te huringa o te wā. Whakaahuatia mai ki ngā kupu 250 iti iho rānei tō koutou whia kia ū ki tēnei tono. Hei tauira, te maha o ngā hāora ka whakaritea mō ngā kaiako, Ngā rā mō ngā kaiako anake, te wā hei pakirehua me te taha pūtea.
Hei mea whakamutunga, he pēhea e pātahi ai tō tono ki ngā mātātaki paetae, ngā whāinga rānei a tō Kāhui Ako, tō kura rānei? Mā ngā kupu 250 iti iho rānei, tirohia tō mahere rautaki me ā koutou tuhinga pūrongo, ka whakaatu mai he pēhea e tautoko ai tēnei PLD i ā koutou mahi.
Pāwhiri Panuku, ko tēnei te mata whakamutunga, ā, ka whakarāpopotohia tō tono ki konei. Ka taea e koe te whakatika i āu kōrero mā te pāwhiri i te penerākau iti kei te taha matau o ia whakautu. Ka taea hoki te tāpiri tuhinga tautoko i te taha matau anō me te pāwhiri ‘upload files’.
Ki te hiahia koe ki te whakatika, ki te whakakore rānei i tō tono, pāwhiria te tapanga “Edit’ “Cancel Proposal” rānei i te taha matau kei runga o te whārangi.
Mā te pātene manage schools ka taea te tāpiri he kura ki tēnei tono mēnā e tono ana koe hei huinga, hei Kāhui Ako rānei.
Ko te mahi whakamutunga rawa, ko te pāwhiri i te pouaka ‘submit proposal’ i te taha matau kei runga o te whārangi, ā, ka puta ake tētahi pouaka me te kōrero kua tāpaetia paitia tō tono.
Mēnā ka raru koe i tō mahi tono me whakapā atu ki te tari o tō rohe. Kei huri kē ngā tāngata o taua tari ki te tirotiro i tō tono. Tēnā rāwa atu koe mōu i mātaki mai.
Choosing a facilitator Choosing a facilitator
Kia ora
This video will guide you through choosing a PLD facilitator once your proposal has been approved and your PLD hours are confirmed.
You can use the online facilitator database located on the PLD website to search for facilitators in your region or by their speciality area. Once you have a name or names in mind, we strongly recommend you contact your preferred facilitators to discuss your PLD needs and proposed timeframe before choosing them in the system.
When you are ready to choose your facilitator in the online PLD system, log in and open the journal number relevant to your approved PLD proposal. Click on the proposal itself. You will see the status now says Approved. To choose a facilitator, click “Choose Facilitator”. This is located on the top left hand side of your proposal page.
A facilitator search box will appear on the screen. Type the name of your preferred facilitator into the search bar and press enter.
When you have located your facilitator, click “Add”.
If you wish to use multiple facilitators, repeat this process for each facilitator name you want to add. They can be from the same or different PLD provider organisations.
Next, enter the number of hours that each facilitator will deliver. This should be agreed upon by you as the PLD Lead and by the facilitator.
If you want to remove a facilitator, click “Remove”.
Once you have entered the hours for the facilitators you have listed, click “Save”. This saves your allocations, but does not submit them. Please note that you will need to allocate all of your approved PLD hours at this stage – numbers that add up to less or more than your approved total will prompt messages for you to adjust them.
If you want to review your allocations before submitting, go to the “Allocations” section and click on your allocation number to review your facilitator choices and allocated hours.
To make changes to any of these, click on the pencil icon.
When you are ready to submit your allocations, go back to the proposal screen. Click “submit allocations” on the top right of the page. This notifies the Ministry PLD team and your proposed PLD provider organisations and facilitators of your selection.
If you have trouble finding your preferred facilitator name in the system, contact our PLD.Enquiries mailbox. If you have any other issues while choosing your facilitator, contact your regional office
Thank you for watching.
Kia ora
Mā tēnei ataata koe e ārahi ki te kōwhiri i tētahi kaihuawaere, ā muri i te whakaaetanga i tō puka marohi me te whakaūnga o ō hāora PLD.
Whakamahia te pātengi raraunga ā-ipurangi kei te pae tukutuku PLD ki te kimi i ngā kaihuawaere i tō rohe, i ngā kaihuawaere pūkenga motuhake rānei. Ka whakatau koe ki tētahi ingoa, ētahi rānei, ko tō mātou tino tūmanako, kia whakapā atu koe ki ngā kaihuawaere ki te kōrero mō ō hiahia mō te PLD me te wā motuhake e hiahiatia ai, i mua i tō tīpako i a rātou i te paetukutuku.
Ā te wā kua rite koe ki te kōwhiri i tō kaihuawaere i te paetukutuku PLD, takiuru, ā, huakina te nama huataka e hāngai ana ki tō puka marohi PLD kua whakaaetia kētia. Pāwhiria te puka marohi tonu. Ka kite koe, kua huri te tūtohi 'status' ki te 'Approved'. Ki te tīpako i tētahi kaihuawaere, pāwhiria "Choose Facilitator". Kei te noho tēnā i te taha mauī, kei runga o te whārangi puka marohi.
Ka puta mai he pouaka kimi kaihuawaere ki te mata. Patopatohia te ingoa o te kaihuawaere e hiahia ana koe ki te pae kimi, ā, pēhia te pātuhi 'enter'.
Kia kite koe i tō kaihuawaere, pāwhiria a "Add".
Ki te pīrangi kia whakamahi i ētahi kaihuawaere anō, whāia tēnei tukanga mō ia ingoa huawaere e hiahia ana koe kia whakaurua. Ka taea te tohu i ngā rōpū kaiwhakarato PLD, ōrite, rerekē rānei.
I muri whakaurua te kaute o ngā hāora ka tukua e ia kaihuawaere. Me whakaae koe hei kaiako PLD matua, kōrua ko te kaihuawaere.
Ki te hiahia kia tango atu i tētahi o ngā kaihuawaere, pāwhiria a "Remove".
Ina kua whakaurua ngā hāora mō ngā kaihuawaere kua whakarārangihia e koe, pāwhiria a "Save". Ka tiakina āu whakaritenga, engari e kore e tukuna. Kia mōhio ai koe, me whakauru te katoa o ō hāora PLD kua whakaaetia i tēnei wā - ki te kore e hāngai te tapeke ki ngā hāora kua whakaaetia, ka puta te tohuāki kia whakatikatikangia ai aua hāora.
Tukuna āu whakaritenga mā te pāwhiri i te "submit allocations" kei te taha matau, kei runga o te whārangi.
Ki te arotake anō i āu whakaritenga i mua i te tuku, haere ki te wāhanga "Allocations", ā, pāwhiria tō nama "allocation" ki te titiro ki ō kōwhiringa kaihuawaere, me ngā hāora kua whakaritea.
Ki te panoni tētahi o ēnei, pāwhiria te ata pene rākau.
Kia rite koe ki te tuku i āu whakaritenga, pāwhiria te pere takaiho i te taha matau kei runga o te whārangi, kia puta ai te rārangi kōwhiringa. Pāwhiria a "Submit for Approval". Ka whakamōhio atu tēnei i ō kōwhiringa ki te tīma PLD o te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, ki ngā rōpu kaiwhakarato PLD, me ngā kaihuawaere hoki.
Mēna kāore e taea te kimi i te ingoa o tō kaihuawaere pai kei roto i te pūnaha, whakapā mai ki tō mātou pouakamēra pātai PLD. Ki te puta mai ētahi atu take i a koe e kōwhiri ana i tō kaihuawaere, whakapā atu ki tō tari ā-rohe.
Tēnā koe mō te mātakitaki mai.
Create a PLD Journey Create a PLD Journey
Kia ora.
This video will guide you through the steps to create a PLD Journey. A PLD Journey should be created with input from your facilitator or facilitators once your proposal has been accepted and you have been allocated PLD hours.
From the home screen, click the journal number of the proposal you are working on.
Click the proposal number in the top right corner of the page.
Click “The PLD Journey – planning your PLD” in the top right corner of the page.
You can read the introduction page for more information about this process. Click “Next” when you are ready to get started
The first 3 questions of the PLD Journey are questions that you were asked in your proposal. The answers you gave will be populated for you here. Now that you are working with a facilitator or facilitators and have begun to plan the specifics of your PLD, you can refine or add to this information in the editable text box. If you don’t have any changes to make, you can leave them as is. Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
This section focuses on the short-term outcomes for the PLD and is split into two parts.
The text box at the top of this screen can be used to provide information on the knowledge, skills, capabilities and practices that you are focusing on. This is not a mandatory field.
The first section is about teacher practice outcomes. These could be areas such as tikanga specific to your region or iwi, or assessment for learning practice based on your school community vision for learner outcomes.
The second section is about school wide and leadership practice outcomes. These could be areas such as establishing goals and targets or developing internal evaluation. Further information and examples of areas on which to focus in your PLD can be found in the Teaching Council’s ‘Educational Leadership Capability Framework’ document.
You can list up to four of each but must list at least one of each.
The knowledge and practice areas that you list should be clearly linked to the opportunity that you identified in your proposal.
Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
The first question in the long-term outcomes section is one you answered in your proposal so will already be populated with an answer.
You can refine your existing answer or leave it as is.
The next two questions ask you to explain how you will assess the impact of this PLD. You should include specific indicators which can be measured.
Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
You will now find yourself on the summary page for the PLD journey you have created.
The journey is still in ‘draft’ status.
Review your answers to make sure you are ready to submit.
If you want to make any changes, click the pencil icon beside one of the fields, edit the text and click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
When you are ready to submit, click “Save PLD Journey”.
Thank you for watching.
Kia ora.
This video will guide you through the steps to create a PLD Journey. A PLD Journey should be created with input from your facilitator or facilitators once your proposal has been accepted and you have been allocated PLD hours.
From the home screen, click the journal number of the proposal you are working on.
Click the proposal number in the top right corner of the page.
Click “The PLD Journey – planning your PLD” in the top right corner of the page.
You can read the introduction page for more information about this process. Click “Next” when you are ready to get started
The first 3 questions of the PLD Journey are questions that you were asked in your proposal. The answers you gave will be populated for you here. Now that you are working with a facilitator or facilitators and have begun to plan the specifics of your PLD, you can refine or add to this information in the editable text box. If you don’t have any changes to make, you can leave them as is. Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
This section focuses on the short-term outcomes for the PLD and is split into two parts.
The text box at the top of this screen can be used to provide information on the knowledge, skills, capabilities and practices that you are focusing on. This is not a mandatory field.
The first section is about teacher practice outcomes. These could be areas such as tikanga specific to your region or iwi, or assessment for learning practice based on your school community vision for learner outcomes.
The second section is about school wide and leadership practice outcomes. These could be areas such as establishing goals and targets or developing internal evaluation. Further information and examples of areas on which to focus in your PLD can be found in the Teaching Council’s ‘Educational Leadership Capability Framework’ document.
You can list up to four of each but must list at least one of each.
The knowledge and practice areas that you list should be clearly linked to the opportunity that you identified in your proposal.
Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
The first question in the long-term outcomes section is one you answered in your proposal so will already be populated with an answer.
You can refine your existing answer or leave it as is.
The next two questions ask you to explain how you will assess the impact of this PLD. You should include specific indicators which can be measured.
Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
You will now find yourself on the summary page for the PLD journey you have created.
The journey is still in ‘draft’ status.
Review your answers to make sure you are ready to submit.
If you want to make any changes, click the pencil icon beside one of the fields, edit the text and click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
When you are ready to submit, click “Save PLD Journey”.
Thank you for watching.
Create an Initial PLD plan and Milestone Report Create an Initial PLD plan and Milestone Report
Kia ora.
This video will guide you through the steps to create an initial PLD plan and a milestone report. The initial PLD plan should be created after your PLD journey plan.
A milestone report should be created with input from your facilitator or facilitators every six months. The first report will be due six months after your proposal is accepted.
From the home screen, click the journal number of the proposal you are working on.
Click the proposal number in the top right corner of the page.
Click the journey number in the PLD Journeys section.
Click “Plan and Monitor PLD”.
There are three options. The first one is the initial PLD plan. The second one is a standard milestone which is completed every six months. The third one is a final report which should only be selected if you have finished your PLD.
We will first walk you through the initial PLD plan. This is to outline the first six months of your PLD journey. Choose option one and click “Next”.
Under “Activities”, you are asked to outline what the broad activities you will undertake to achieve your desired outcomes are. Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
Next, outline how many hours you will use during the first six months of your PLD journey. Click “Next” to move on.
Next is the facilitator plan. This section breaks down your plan to the individual facilitator level. If you are only working with one facilitator then your answers will be the same as the last section. For each facilitator, enter the number of hours used and a plan for the next six months.
You have now created your initial PLD plan as a draft.
To review what you have written and submit the report, click the link below or click “Finish” and then click the milestone link.
Review your answers. If you want to make any changes, click the pencil icon beside one of the fields, edit the text and click save at the bottom of the screen.
When you are ready to save the plan, click “Submit PLD Plan”.
You will get a message saying your PLD plan has been successfully submitted.
Six months after you have submitted your PLD Journey Plan and initial PLD plan, you will be prompted to complete the first milestone report. We will now walk through how to complete a standard milestone report. The final report is very similar, which you will complete at the end of your PLD journey.
When you are ready to complete your milestone report, go to your PLD Journey Plan proposal page.
Click “Plan and Monitor PLD”.
Choose option two and click “Next”.
You can read the introduction page for more information about this process. Click “Next” when you are ready to get started.
The first section is about what has happened to date - How many hours have you used in the last six months? How many hours have you now used in total? What growth in practice have you seen?
The second section is about what you have planned for the next six months. How many hours do you plan to use in the next six months? What is your plan for the next six months? What are your next steps? How many hours will you have left to use at the end of this next six month period?
Next is the facilitator plan. This section breaks down your plan to the individual facilitator level. If you are only working with one facilitator, then your answers will be the same as the last section. For each facilitator, enter the number of hours used and a plan for the next six months.
This plan should include specific actions but does not need to include a lot of detail. For example “Leading four whole school staff meetings” or “developing an engagement plan with the leadership team”.
You have now created your milestone report as a draft.
To review what you have written and submit the report click the link below or click “Finish” and then click the milestone link.
Review your answers.
If you want to make any changes, click the pencil icon beside one of the fields, edit the text and click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
When you are ready click “Submit Milestone Report in the top right-hand corner.
You will get a message saying your PLD plan has been successfully submitted.
Thank you for watching.
Kia ora.
This video will guide you through the steps to create an initial PLD plan and a milestone report. The initial PLD plan should be created after your PLD journey plan.
A milestone report should be created with input from your facilitator or facilitators every six months. The first report will be due six months after your proposal is accepted.
From the home screen, click the journal number of the proposal you are working on.
Click the proposal number in the top right corner of the page.
Click the journey number in the PLD Journeys section.
Click “Plan and Monitor PLD”.
There are three options. The first one is the initial PLD plan. The second one is a standard milestone which is completed every six months. The third one is a final report which should only be selected if you have finished your PLD.
We will first walk you through the initial PLD plan. This is to outline the first six months of your PLD journey. Choose option one and click “Next”.
Under “Activities”, you are asked to outline what the broad activities you will undertake to achieve your desired outcomes are. Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
Next, outline how many hours you will use during the first six months of your PLD journey. Click “Next” to move on.
Next is the facilitator plan. This section breaks down your plan to the individual facilitator level. If you are only working with one facilitator then your answers will be the same as the last section. For each facilitator, enter the number of hours used and a plan for the next six months.
You have now created your initial PLD plan as a draft.
To review what you have written and submit the report, click the link below or click “Finish” and then click the milestone link.
Review your answers. If you want to make any changes, click the pencil icon beside one of the fields, edit the text and click save at the bottom of the screen.
When you are ready to save the plan, click “Submit PLD Plan”.
You will get a message saying your PLD plan has been successfully submitted.
Six months after you have submitted your PLD Journey Plan and initial PLD plan, you will be prompted to complete the first milestone report. We will now walk through how to complete a standard milestone report. The final report is very similar, which you will complete at the end of your PLD journey.
When you are ready to complete your milestone report, go to your PLD Journey Plan proposal page.
Click “Plan and Monitor PLD”.
Choose option two and click “Next”.
You can read the introduction page for more information about this process. Click “Next” when you are ready to get started.
The first section is about what has happened to date - How many hours have you used in the last six months? How many hours have you now used in total? What growth in practice have you seen?
The second section is about what you have planned for the next six months. How many hours do you plan to use in the next six months? What is your plan for the next six months? What are your next steps? How many hours will you have left to use at the end of this next six month period?
Next is the facilitator plan. This section breaks down your plan to the individual facilitator level. If you are only working with one facilitator, then your answers will be the same as the last section. For each facilitator, enter the number of hours used and a plan for the next six months.
This plan should include specific actions but does not need to include a lot of detail. For example “Leading four whole school staff meetings” or “developing an engagement plan with the leadership team”.
You have now created your milestone report as a draft.
To review what you have written and submit the report click the link below or click “Finish” and then click the milestone link.
Review your answers.
If you want to make any changes, click the pencil icon beside one of the fields, edit the text and click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
When you are ready click “Submit Milestone Report in the top right-hand corner.
You will get a message saying your PLD plan has been successfully submitted.
Thank you for watching.
User guides He ārahi kaiwhakamahi
Step-by-step guides with screenshots for the online PLD system
He ārahi pūnahanaha me ngā topenga mata mō te pūnaha tuihono mō te PLD ā-rohe
User guide for PLD leads part 1: How to apply Aratohu kaiwhakamahi mā ngā kaiārahi PLD Wāhanga 1: te whakarite tono
User guide for PLD leads part 2: The PLD journey Aratohu kaiwhakamahi mā ngā kaiārahi PLD Wāhanga 2: Te haerenga PLD
Worksheets to support your planning He pukamahi hei tautoko i tō whakamahere
Worksheets to help you draft your proposal, plan and monitor your PLD
He pukamahi hei āwhina i a koe ki te whakarite, whakamahere, aroturuki hoki i tō PLD
Worksheet for drafting your PLD application proposal answers Nga Patai Mo Nga Tono a Punaha PLD
Worksheet for drafting your PLD journey and initial PLD plan answers Te Whakamahere i to Haerenga PLD me nga Patai Timatanga
Worksheet for drafting your milestone and final reporting answers Pūrongo tohu nui, whakamutunga hoki – Ngā pātai