Information on Maths PLD

Professional learning & development (PLD) to support the implementation of the revised Mathematics and Statistics Learning Area for years 0 – 8 of the NZ Curriculum is being made available nation-wide from 2025. Facilitators will be available to come to a school, or group of schools, to deliver PLD. An online option is also available.

The aim of the maths PLD is to provide teachers with:

  • a good understanding of the teaching sequence to be taught across phases 1-3 (years 0-8).
  • a good working understanding of the three elements in the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Area: Understand, Know, and Do.
  • a good understanding of the Science of Learning in relation to mathematics and statistics and the ability to use it to inform their teaching.
  • a good understanding of the teaching guidance in the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Area.
  • the ability to plan for maths successfully, incorporating a quality hour a day of maths. This includes annual, unit, weekly and individual lesson planning.
  • increased knowledge of quality formative assessment practices that inform daily teaching.

Schools can submit requests for maths PLD from 1pm, 15 November 2024, and delivery of the PLD will begin in Term 1 2025.

Structure of the PLD

Maths PLD consists of four individual days of PLD that can be accessed during 2025 and 2026.  Schools can use the 2025 Maths Curriculum Days for two of the four PLD days and arrange the other two days at their convenience - before the end of 2026. It is intended that teachers access these days in sequence as the learning in each session builds on learning in the previous one.


Expected outcomes for teachers and coverage of each PLD day


MathsPLDOnePager 11 Nov

Download an overview of the 4 days of Maths PLD

Delivery of the PLD

Maths PLD will be delivered via a country-wide pool of facilitators selected and trained by the Ministry. The Ministry will assign facilitators to the requests received by schools based on facilitator availability and location. All facilitators will deliver the PLD using consistent approaches and materials.

Engagement with maths facilitators will depend on the mode of PLD delivery:


In-person PLD

Facilitators will visit schools or clusters of schools to deliver the PLD; the venue will be one of the schools receiving the PLD.


Online PLD

Schools will engage with the online video content for the relevant PLD day, followed by two two-hour online sessions with a maths facilitator. There will be three time slot options for the two-hour sessions:

  • 9am – 11am
  • 1pm – 3pm
  • 4pm – 6pm

Videos for online maths PLD will be made available to schools once they have requested the PLD and have been assigned a facilitator.

Eligibility criteria

Maths PLD is available for years 0 - 8 staff in state and state-integrated schools. This includes:

  • School leaders
  • Teachers
  • Staff employed on a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT)
  • Teacher aides
  • Resource teachers
  • Relievers

A minimum of 20 people is required to request PLD. Schools are encouraged to request PLD as a cluster or kāhui ako, to access the training. 

Small and rural schools may not be able to assemble 20 teachers, even if clustering – these schools or clusters can still request PLD; the Ministry will discuss these requests directly with the school.

Teacher release time and travel costs are not funded for this PLD.

How to request the PLD

Requests for PLD are submitted through the online request system – see “Submitting a request via the online system” below.

A request can be submitted for one maths PLD day at a time which will allow for customization of each day (e.g. for clustering and delivery mode), and multiple requests can be submitted. For example, a kāhui ako of 200 teachers might wish to request 10 days of Day 1 PLD if they can only release 20 teachers at a time.

The Ministry will endeavour to make facilitators available for schools’ first choice of days for this PLD. Scheduling is subject to facilitator availability and the Ministry will contact schools to discuss alternative dates if needed.

Requesting Maths PLD process FA 03 cropped

Applying as a cluster/group

One school will submit a PLD request on behalf of a kāhui ako or cluster of schools.

The number of attendees by each phase of learning will be required in order to complete and submit the PLD request. To gather this information from all the schools in a group, the below template can be used to circulate to each school to collate this information:

Maths PLD - Cluster Request Participant Template

Maths PLD - Cluster Request Participant Template

Key dates

Maths PLD will be accessible between 20 January 2025 and the end of Term 4 2026.

The Ministry will finalise each school term’s PLD scheduling before the end of the previous term – PLD requests will need to be submitted by the end of week 5 of each term in order to request PLD dates in the following term.


Maths PLD Cutoff Dates

Submitting a PLD request via the online system


Discuss the PLD with your principal or tumuaki and determine which years 0-8 teachers/staff would participate in the maths PLD on each day. Ensure the participants are available to attend the PLD on the dates you have in mind. 


Ensure you know the number of participants for each school by phase of learning before you start your request – you can use the template linked above to help you collate this information.


Ensure your school has a PLD Lead with an Education Sector Logon (ESL) – they will apply on behalf of the school, or kāhui ako or cluster – in the case of a group request. The PLD Lead will need the “PLD Leader” permissions in ESL.


Request PLD through the online form.


The Ministry receives and considers your request. Facilitators will be allocated to your PLD request. We will do our best to meet your preferred dates against the available facilitators, and will be in touch with you to discuss alternative dates if needed.


The Ministry will notify you of the confirmed scheduling for your request.


PLD will commence in the following term on the dates scheduled for your PLD request – refer to "Key dates" above for important information on when PLD is accessible and applicable cutoff dates.

Please note that any emails regarding the status or outcome of your application will be sent from an email address with the domain – please ensure you are checking your junk/spam email folders.

If you have questions about the PLD or about a PLD request, please contact

Examples for requesting maths PLD

These examples are to illustrate the process of requesting PLD – they are not intended to show the only options for requesting PLD. 

Scenario 1: A large School (20 or more participants) requesting in-person maths PLD

You will need to: 

  • Decide on 3 possible dates for your maths PLD day
  • Take note of how many of the participants align with each phase of learning
  • Make sure the person responsible for requesting the PLD has the correct ESL Permissions (“PLD Leader” permission set in ESL)
  • Access the Maths PLD online form to make your request
  • Create your request:
    • Indicate the Maths PLD Day the request is for
    • Indicate that the application is for your school only
    • Record the number of participants by phase of learning
    • Select “in-person PLD” as the PLD delivery mode
    • Record the school’s address as the venue for the PLD
    • Enter the three possible dates you can participate in the PLD
  • Submit your request – the Ministry will assign a facilitator for one of the three dates provided, pending facilitator availability. 

You will need to repeat these steps on separate applications to request PLD for Maths PLD Day 2, 3 and 4. 

Scenario 2: Kāhui Ako requesting in-person maths PLD for at least 20 teachers

You will need to: 

  • Nominate which school will submit the application for your Kāhui Ako (KA)
  • Nominate which school will host the PLD as the venue
  • Decide on three possible dates for your PLD
  • Take note of the total number of participants for each phase of learning:
    • You’ll need this for each of the schools in the KA.
    • You can use the Ministry's participant template to help you collate this information
  • Make sure the person responsible for requesting the PLD has the correct ESL Permissions (“PLD Leader” permission set in ESL)
  • Access the Maths PLD online form to make your request
  • Create your request:
    • Indicate the Maths PLD Day the request is for 
    • Indicate that the request is for a group/cluster
    • Record each school in the group, and the number of participants by phase of learning for each school.
    • Select “in-person PLD” as the PLD delivery mode
    • Record the venue school’s address as the venue for the PLD
    • Enter the three possible dates they can participate in the PLD
  • Submit your request – the Ministry will assign a facilitator for one of the three dates provided, pending facilitator availability.

If requesting PLD on a Curriculum Day for every teacher in your KA or cluster, complete one request. 

To request a series of maths PLD days for groups of teachers from your KA or cluster, complete one request for each group. 

Scenario 3: A small school requesting online maths PLD for fewer than 20 participants

You will need to: 

  • Decide on dates and time slots for your online maths PLD sessions.
    Online PLD will comprise two separate two-hour sessions with a facilitator after you have completed reading and / or watched the online maths PLD videos. 
    • For each of these two dates, decide which time slot you prefer
    • Decide on two alternative sets of dates and time slots – you’ll need these so that the Ministry has alternatives to work with if your preferred dates can’t be matched with a facilitator.
  • Take note of how many of the participating teachers align with each phase of learning
  • Make sure the person responsible for requesting the PLD has the correct ESL Permissions (“PLD Leader” permission set in ESL)
  • Access the Maths PLD online form to make your request
  • Create your request:
    • Indicate the Maths PLD Day the request is for
    • Indicate that the application is for your school only
    • Record the number of participating teachers by phase of learning
    • Because there are less than 20 participants, you’ll need to complete the declaration that appears
    • Select “Online PLD” as the PLD delivery mode
    • Enter your 3 sets of dates and time slot options 
  • Submit your request – the Ministry will assign a facilitator for one of the three dates provided, pending facilitator availability 

You will need to repeat these steps on separate applications to request PLD for Maths PLD Day 2, 3 and 4. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is the Ministry-funded Maths PLD available to independent schools?

The Ministry-funded PLD and resources to support the Government education initiatives are for state and state-integrated schools and kura, and do not extend to Independent Schools or Charter Schools. There will be online resources, once developed, available on Tāhurangi for all schools and kura to use.

Can I access PLD on how to use maths resources I have ordered via the Ministry?

The supplier of each of the resources offers their own training on the use of their resources – please visit Tāhūrangi to find each supplier’s website for information about their resources.

Are travel costs and release time included with this PLD?

Teacher release time and travel costs are not funded for maths PLD.

Set up your Education Sector Logon (ESL)

If you are the PLD Lead within the school and do not have access, the Delegated Authoriser in your school must update your account with the “PLD Leader” permissions, or first invite you to create an account if you do not already have one. Your Delegated Authoriser is most likely the school principal or tumuaki.

Your Delegated Authoriser can visit Support for School Delegated Authorisers to update or create a new ESL account.

If you need help setting up your ESL, contact the Ministry's Education Service Desk team by phone: 0800 422 599 or email:

PLD Lead Permissions v2

PLD Leader permissions in ESL for the PLD System