In our  5-year timeline for implementing The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, we outline key dates for the ‘three steps’ in professional learning and development. Below, we’ve summarised what each of these steps involves along with the timeframes for delivery. 


Step 1 (2024/2025): Foundational

PLD that supports teachers and kaiako to understand and start to use the new curriculum content and evidence-based teaching practices.


Step 2 (2026/2027): Consolidating

Targeted PLD that builds leader, teacher and kaiako confidence and mastery.


Step 3 (2028): Strengthening and sustaining

PLD that enables continuous improvement in the quality and consistency of teacher practice.

In our  5-year timeline for implementing The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, we outline key dates for the ‘three steps’ in professional learning and development. Below, we’ve summarised what each of these steps involves along with the timeframes for delivery. 


Step 1 (2024/2025): Foundational

PLD that supports teachers and kaiako to understand and start to use the new curriculum content and evidence-based teaching practices.


Step 2 (2026/2027): Consolidating

Targeted PLD that builds leader, teacher and kaiako confidence and mastery\.


Step 3 (2028): Strengthening and sustaining

PLD that enables continuous improvement in the quality and consistency of teacher practice.