Schools participating in the mathematics and statistics professional learning and development (PLD) are sharing great early feedback. As of 7 March, 337 schools have taken part in day one of the PLD, designed to deepen teachers’ understanding of the refreshed learning area for Years 0-8.
Participants complete surveys before and after each of the four PLD sessions, with over 3,000 responses recorded so far from the first survey. The self-reporting surveys serve as an initial measure of how the PLD influences teachers' understanding, confidence, and practice in implementing the refreshed curriculum content.
Initial feedback is promising—more than 80% of educators report a stronger understanding of the curriculum structure and the importance of year-level teaching. Over 70% believe the refreshed curriculum will enhance student outcomes.
Educators value the clear planning guidance, engaging materials, and practical strategies shared in the sessions. Many highlighted the need for additional support in using assessments to guide teaching, which will be covered in upcoming PLD sessions.
The impact of this PLD will continue to be evaluated, with further insights available in Term 2. Longer term, the impact of this professional learning will be measured through data collected by the Education Review Office and through the Curriculum Insights study.
Schools interested in accessing the PLD can find more details here:
Maths Professional Learning and Development – Professional Learning & Development
Schools participating in the mathematics and statistics professional learning and development (PLD) are sharing great early feedback. As of 7 March, 337 schools have taken part in day one of the PLD, designed to deepen teachers’ understanding of the refreshed learning area for Years 0-8.
Participants complete surveys before and after each of the four PLD sessions, with over 3,000 responses recorded so far from the first survey. The self-reporting surveys serve as an initial measure of how the PLD influences teachers' understanding, confidence, and practice in implementing the refreshed curriculum content.
Initial feedback is promising—more than 80% of educators report a stronger understanding of the curriculum structure and the importance of year-level teaching. Over 70% believe the refreshed curriculum will enhance student outcomes.
Educators value the clear planning guidance, engaging materials, and practical strategies shared in the sessions. Many highlighted the need for additional support in using assessments to guide teaching, which will be covered in upcoming PLD sessions.
The impact of this PLD will continue to be evaluated, with further insights available in Term 2. Longer term, the impact of this professional learning will be measured through data collected by the Education Review Office and through the Curriculum Insights study.
Schools interested in accessing the PLD can find more details here:
Maths Professional Learning and Development – Professional Learning & Development