Ki Te Kore - Ki Te Pō - Ki Te Ao Mārama

Unknown potential - Unlocking potential - Unlimited potential

Ko te kaupapa – Te whakamārama o te hōtaka


Ko te hōtaka Tumuaki Māori Hou he ara mahi mā ngā tumuaki Māori, kua kotahi, rua tau rānei ki taua tūranga, kia whakauru mai ki tētahi hōtaka, he tikanga Māori, he mātāpono Māori tōna tūāpapa, ahakoa te taiao kura, Kura Kaupapa Māori, Kura ā-iwi, Kura reo Pākehā, Kura reo rua, Rumaki Reo, kura ki uta, kura ki tai.


I takea mai tēnei hōtaka i ngā kawenata ā-ture e rua o Aotearoa, arā, He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tīreni me Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Tōna tikanga, e hāngai ana ngā hōtaka nei ki te tirohanga me ngā wawata a te mana whenua – hapū, iwi hoki. Mā ēnei mahi whakahiki pūkenga e taea ai e te hunga ako te whanake, te whakakaha i ā rātou pūkenga ārahi e taea ai:

  • te whakahāngai i ngā wawata me ngā huringa a te whānau, hapū me te iwi,
  • te aro atu ki ngā ōati a He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni me Te Tiriti o Waitangi,
  • te tū kaha hei tuakiri Māori, e tū Māori ake nei rātou hei kaiārahi matua.

Ko te kaupapa - Programme description


The Māori First Time Principals' programme is an opportunity for tumuaki Māori in their first two years of Principalship regardless of the school setting - Kura Kaupapa Māori, Kura a iwi, English medium, Dual medium, Bilingual and Rumaki Reo and Reo Rua, rural, urban etc.



The programme is founded on He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tīreni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi - the two constitutional covenants of Aotearoa. Accordingly, the programmes centre the visions and aspirations of mana whenua – hapū and iwi. This personal and professional learning will enable participants to develop and strengthen their leadership in order to:

  • centre whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations and transformations,
  • realise the promises of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and
  • stand strong in their identity as Māori and unlock their potential as Māori leaders.

Ko te wāhanga – Te anga o te hōtaka


Ka uru mai te hunga ako ki:

  • tēnei hōtaka e rua tau te roa
  • te wānanga ā-motu, te wānanga ā-rohe, he hui, he haere ki te kura me ngā kōwhiringa ako ki runga ipurangi

Ko te wāhanga - Programme structure


Participants will engage in:

  • a two year cycle of learning
  • collective and individual learning experiences including national and regional wānanga, hui, personal school visits and opportunities to learn online

Te Hōtaka Akatea Kaiārahi Hou Māori


He ara tēnei mō tētahi kaiako Māori e hiahia ana ki te whanake i a rātou anō i roto i ngā mahi ārahi e ai ki te horopaki o te kura. Kua tauiratia mai ngā kaupapa me ngā wāhanga mai i te Hōtaka Tumuaki Māori Hou, ā, ka tautokohia koe ki te whanake i tētahi Mahere Rautaki hei whanake i ō pūkenga ārahi.


Ka tīmata tēnei hōtaka i te tīmatanga o ia tau, ā, ka whakaaetia ngā tono ki ēnei momo rā. Tēnā tirohia a konei mō ngā tono mō te wāhanga.

Te Akatea Emerging Māori Leaders’ Programme’


This programme is an opportunity for kaiako Māori who have a desire to develop their leadership potential within a school context. The kaupapa and wāhanga are modelled from the Māori First Time Principals’ Programme above and you will be supported to develop a Mahere Rautaki to continue to develop your leadership.

This programme begins at the start of each year so tono are accepted during particular dates. Please see information here.




Ki Te Kore - Ki Te Pō - Ki Te Ao Mārama

Unknown potential - Unlocking potential - Unlimited potential

Ko te kaupapa – Te whakamārama o te hōtaka


Ko te hōtaka Tumuaki Māori Hou he ara mahi mā ngā tumuaki Māori, kua kotahi, rua tau rānei ki taua tūranga, kia whakauru mai ki tētahi hōtaka, he tikanga Māori, he mātāpono Māori tōna tūāpapa, ahakoa te taiao kura, Kura Kaupapa Māori, Kura ā-iwi, Kura reo Pākehā, Kura reo rua, Rumaki Reo, kura ki uta, kura ki tai.


I takea mai tēnei hōtaka i ngā kawenata ā-ture e rua o Aotearoa, arā, He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tīreni me Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Tōna tikanga, e hāngai ana ngā hōtaka nei ki te tirohanga me ngā wawata a te mana whenua – hapū, iwi hoki. Mā ēnei mahi whakahiki pūkenga e taea ai e te hunga ako te whanake, te whakakaha i ā rātou pūkenga ārahi e taea ai:

  • te whakahāngai i ngā wawata me ngā huringa a te whānau, hapū me te iwi,
  • te aro atu ki ngā ōati a He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni me Te Tiriti o Waitangi,
  • te tū kaha hei tuakiri Māori, e tū Māori ake nei rātou hei kaiārahi matua.

Ko te kaupapa - Programme description


The Māori First Time Principals' programme is an opportunity for tumuaki Māori in their first two years of Principalship regardless of the school setting - Kura Kaupapa Māori, Kura a iwi, English medium, Dual medium, Bilingual and Rumaki Reo and Reo Rua, rural, urban etc.



The programme is founded on He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tīreni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi - the two constitutional covenants of Aotearoa. Accordingly, the programmes centre the visions and aspirations of mana whenua – hapū and iwi. This personal and professional learning will enable participants to develop and strengthen their leadership in order to:

  • centre whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations and transformations,
  • realise the promises of He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and
  • stand strong in their identity as Māori and unlock their potential as Māori leaders.

Ko te wāhanga – Te anga o te hōtaka


Ka uru mai te hunga ako ki:

  • tēnei hōtaka e rua tau te roa
  • te wānanga ā-motu, te wānanga ā-rohe, he hui, he haere ki te kura me ngā kōwhiringa ako ki runga ipurangi

Ko te wāhanga - Programme structure


Participants will engage in:

  • a two year cycle of learning
  • collective and individual learning experiences including national and regional wānanga, hui, personal school visits and opportunities to learn online

Te Hōtaka Akatea Kaiārahi Hou Māori


He ara tēnei mō tētahi kaiako Māori e hiahia ana ki te whanake i a rātou anō i roto i ngā mahi ārahi e ai ki te horopaki o te kura. Kua tauiratia mai ngā kaupapa me ngā wāhanga mai i te Hōtaka Tumuaki Māori Hou, ā, ka tautokohia koe ki te whanake i tētahi Mahere Rautaki hei whanake i ō pūkenga ārahi.


Ka tīmata tēnei hōtaka i te tīmatanga o ia tau, ā, ka whakaaetia ngā tono ki ēnei momo rā. Tēnā tirohia a konei mō ngā tono mō te wāhanga.

Te Akatea Emerging Māori Leaders’ Programme’

This programme is an opportunity for kaiako Māori who have a desire to develop their leadership potential within a school context. The kaupapa and wāhanga are modelled from the Māori First Time Principals’ Programme above and you will be supported to develop a Mahere Rautaki to continue to develop your leadership.


 This programme begins at the start of each year so tono are accepted during particular dates. Please see information here.