Networks of Expertise supports subject associations and other peer-to-peer networks to deliver support for teachers and kaiako. 

Teacher Development Aotearoa helps the networks provide quality professional development for educators.

Some networks are funded to further support the NCEA Change Programme and/or the implementation of the Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories curriculum. 

Follow the links to explore networks and associations to see what support they offer, and to get in touch with them directly.

Networks to support the New Zealand Curriculum Learning Areas:

The Arts

Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators, NCEA, Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories

Dance Subject Association of New Zealand, NCEA

Whakaari Aotearoa Drama New Zealand, NCEA

Music Education New Zealand Aotearoa (MENZA), NCEA



New Zealand Association for the Teaching of English, NCEA


Health and Physical Education

Education Outdoors New Zealand Incorporated, NCEA

New Zealand Health Education Association, NCEA

Physical Education New Zealand (PENZ), NCEA

Home Economics and Technology Teachers' Association New Zealand, NCEA


Learning Languages

New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT), NCEA


Mathematics and Statistics

New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers, NCEA



Agribusiness Project Curriculum, St Pauls, NCEA

Biology Educators’ Association of New Zealand (BEANZ), NCEA

Earth and Space Educators of New Zealand, NCEA

New Zealand Association for Environmental Education

New Zealand Association of Science Educators (NZASE), NCEA

New Zealand Institute of Physics (NZIP), NCEA

SCENZ – a branch of New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (NZIC), NCEA


Social Sciences

Aotearoa Social Studies Educators’ Network (ASSEN), NCEA, Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories

New Zealand Board of Geography Teachers (NZBoGT), NCEA

New Zealand History Teachers’ Association, NCEA, Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories

New Zealand Association of Psychology Teachers (NZAPT)



Digital Technologies Teachers Aotearoa (DTTA), NCEA

Home Economics and Technology Teachers' Association New Zealand, NCEA

MIE Experts New Zealand (Opaheke School)

New Zealand Graphics and Technology Teachers Association, NCEA

Rubberduck - Learning Through Game Design

Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ), NCEA

Networks to support learning across curricula and learner pathways:

Careers and Transition Education Association New Zealand (CATE), NCEA

Dramatic Inquiry Network Aotearoa Trust

Whanāu Manaaki Kindergartens (HWM)

Neurodiversity in Education Project (formerly New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education)

NZ Rural & Area School Leadership Association

NZRTLB Professional Learning Network

NEX - Kōtuitui Online Teachers Network

Ulingaholo - Moving Forward Pasifika Association. Contact by email:

Ka tautoko Networks of Expertise i ngā subject associations me kōtuituinga aropā-ki-te-aropāki te tautoko i ngā kaiako. 

Tā te Whanaketanga Kaiako Aotearoa mahi he āwhina i ngā kōtuituinga ki te tuku i te whakangungu kounga ki te hunga whakaako.

Some networks are funded to further support the NCEA Change Programme and/or the implementation of the Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories curriculum. 

Toro atu ki ngā hononga nei ki te tūhura i ngā kōtuituinga me ngā rōpū, kia kite ai i ō rātou tautoko, ā, ki te whakapā tōtika ki a rātou.


Networks to support the New Zealand Curriculum Learning Areas:

The Arts

Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators, NCEA, Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories

Dance Subject Association of New Zealand, NCEA

Whakaari Aotearoa Drama New Zealand, NCEA

Music Education New Zealand Aotearoa (MENZA), NCEA



New Zealand Association for the Teaching of English, NCEA


Health and Physical Education

Education Outdoors New Zealand Incorporated, NCEA

New Zealand Health Education Association, NCEA

Physical Education New Zealand (PENZ), NCEA


Learning Languages

New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT), NCEA


Mathematics and Statistics

New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers, NCEA



Agribusiness Project Curriculum, St Pauls, NCEA

Biology Educators’ Association of New Zealand (BEANZ), NCEA

Earth and Space Educators of New Zealand, NCEA

New Zealand Association for Environmental Education

New Zealand Association of Science Educators (NZASE), NCEA

New Zealand Institute of Physics (NZIP), NCEA

SCENZ – a branch of New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (NZIC), NCEA


Social Sciences

Aotearoa Social Studies Educators’ Network (ASSEN), NCEA, Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories

New Zealand Board of Geography Teachers (NZBoGT), NCEA

New Zealand History Teachers’ Association, NCEA, Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories

New Zealand Association of Psychology Teachers (NZAPT)



Digital Technologies Teachers Aotearoa (DTTA), NCEA

Home Economic Association of New Zealand, NCEA

MIE Experts New Zealand (Opaheke School)

New Zealand Graphics and Technology Teachers Association, NCEA

Rubberduck - Learning Through Game Design

Technology Education New Zealand, NCEA



Networks to support learning across curricula and learner pathways:

Careers and Transition Education Association New Zealand (CATE), NCEA

Dramatic Inquiry Network Aotearoa Trust

Whanāu Manaaki Kindergartens (HWM)

Neurodiversity in Education Project (formerly New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education)

NZ Rural & Area School Leadership Association

NZRTLB Professional Learning Network

NEX - Kōtuitui Online Teachers Network

Ulingaholo - Moving Forward Pasifika Association. Whakapā atu mā te īmēra: